Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/176

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l68 THE MELIAN CONTROVERSY [v 85 'Since we are not allowed to speak to the people, lest, c- , • forsooth, a multitude should be deceived jmcc zee are to be ' closefcdjvithyou, Id IIS by seductive and unanswerable** argu- converse and not make ments which they would hear set forth in a single uninterrupted oration (for we are perfectly aware that this is what you mean in bring- ing us before a select few), you who are sitting here may as well make assurance yet surer. Let us have no set speeches at all, but do you reply to each several statement of which you disapprove, and criticise it at once. Say first of all how you like this mode of proceeding.' 86 The Melian representatives answered: — 'The quiet „, , ,,.,„, interchange of explanations is a rcason- JVe (to not object. But ° "^ discussion between you able thing, and we do not object to that. and us is a mockery, j^ut your Warlike movements, which and can only end in ^^^ present not only to our fears but our nun. ' , i- to our eyes, seem to belie your words. We see that, although you may reason with us, you mean to be our judges ; and that at the end of the discussion, if the justice of our cause prevail and we therefore refuse to yield, we may expect war ; if we are convinced by you, slavery.' 87 Ath. ' t{ay, but if you are only going to argue from Li any case yoil must fancies about the future, or if you meet face the facts. ^g ^vith any Other purpose than that of looking your circumstances in the face and saving your city, we have done ; but if this is your intention we will proceed.' 88 Mel. ' It is an excusable and natural thing that men in // must be as you, our position should neglect no argu- and not as 2vc, please, rpp,-,}. j^,-,^] ^lo view which may avail. But we admit that this conference has met to consider the question of our preservation ; and therefore let the argu- ment proceed in the manner which you propose.' 89 Ath. 'Well, then, we Athenians will use no fine " Or, ' unexamined.'