Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/190

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l82 MOTIVES OF THE ATHENIANS [vi menaewere founded by the Syracusans, Acrae seventyyears after Syracuse, and Casmenae nearly twenty years after Acrae. Camarina was originally founded by the Syracu- sans exactly a hundred and thirty-five years after the foundation of Syracuse ; the founders were Dascon and Menecolus. But the Camarinaeans revolted, and as a punishment for their revolt were violently expelled by B.C. 498- the Syracusans. After a time Hippocrates the tyrant of 01. 70, 3- Gela, receiving the territory of Camarina'^ as the ransom 72, 2. of certain Syracusan prisoners, became the second founder B.C. 491- of the place, which he colonised anew. The inhabitants ^Z ■ were once more driven out by Gelo, ^who himself colonised ui. 72, 2- _ -' ' 75, 3. the city for the third time K 6 These were the nations, Hellenic or Barbarian, who oi^9/.'^' Ambition -was the inhabited Sicily, and such was the real motive of the great island on which the Athenians Sicilian exf^cdition, for were determined to make war. They which the Atlteiiians • ^ , r 1 .1 . .1 f J Virtuously professed that they were found an occasion in . . . the war betivccn Egesta going to assist their own kinsmcn and and Sclinus. The their newly-acquired allies, but the gesaean envoys. simple truth was that they aspired to the empire of Sicily. They were principally instigated by an embassy which had come from Egesta and was urgent in requesting aid. The Egestaeans had gone to war with the neighbouring city of Selinus about certain questions of marriage and about a disputed piece of land. The Seli- nuntians summoned the Syracusans to their assistance, and their united forces reduced the Egestaeans to great straits both by sea and land. The Egestaean envoys reminded the Athenians of the alliance which they had made 'J with the Leontines under Laches in the former war *i,

  • Cp. Herod vii. 154. *" Or, adopting the conjecture T(ujaiv :

' and the city was colonised for the third time by the inhabitants of Gela.* This accords with the statement of Diodorus, xi. 76. "^ The Camarin- aeans and Agrigentines, v. 4 fin., and some of the Sicels, iii. 103 init., 115 init. '• Or ' with Egesta under Laches in the former war oa behalf of the Leontines.' bee note. Cp. for cither rendering iii. 86.