Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/208

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20O THE SUPPOSED PLOT [vi the charges against him, clamorously insisting that both the mutilation of the Hcrmae and the profanation of the mysteries were part of a conspiracy against the democracy, and that he was at the bottom of the whole affair. In proof they alleged the excesses of his ordinary life, which were unbecoming in the citizen of a free state. 29 He strove then and there to clear himself of the He begs to be tried charges, and also offered to be tried before he sails ; but his before he sailed (for all was now ready), enemies think that they : j lUiTi -u l ,, , , -^ in order that, it he were guilty, he «'/// haie more chance . a j t of obtaining a con- "light be puiiished, and if acquitted, demnotion if the trial might retain his command. He ad- '■^ '^^'"^ ■ jured his countrymen to listen to no calumnies which might be propagated against him in his absence ; and he protested that they would be wiser in not sending a man who had so serious an imputation hanging over him on a command so important. But his enemies feared that if the trial took place at once he would have the support of the army; and that the people would be lenient, "and would not forget that* he had induced the Argives and some Mantineans to join in the expedition. They therefore exerted themselves to post- pone the trial. To this end they suborned fresh speakers, who proposed that he should sail now and not delay the expedition, but should -return and stand his trial within a certain number of days. Their intention was that he should be recalled and tried when they had stirred up a stronger feeling against him, which they could better do in his absence. So it was decided that Alcibiades should sail. 30 About the middle of summer the expedition started Conflict of emotions ^^^ Sicily. Orders had been previously among the Athenians given to most of the allies, to the corn- auhe moment of part- g^ipg^ ^^^ smaller craft, and generally to the vessels in attendance on the " Or supplying ovtvv wilh Otpainvoiv ; ' being well disposed to him because ' etc.