Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/223

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45 -47] COUNCIL OF IVAR 215 brought them to the temple of Aphrodite at Eryx, and showed them the offerings deposited there, consisting of bowls, flagons, censers, and a good deal of other plate. Most of the vessels were only of silver, and therefore they made a show quite out of proportion to their value. They also gave private entertainments to the crews of the triremes : on each of these occasions they produced, as their own, drinking-vessels of gold and silver not only collected in Egesta itself, but borrowed from the neigh- bouring towns, Phoenician as well as Hellenic. All of them exhibiting much the same vessels and making every- where a great display, the sailors were amazed, and on their arrival at Athens told every one what heaps of wealth they had seen. When the news spread that the Egestaeans had not got the money, great was the unpopu- larity incurred throughout the army by these men, who having been first imposed upon themselves had been instrumental in imposing upon others. The generals now held a council of war. Nicias was 47 of opinion that they should sail with opimous of the three the whole fleet against Selinus, which generals. Nicias would was their main errand : if the Egest- *« "S"inst Selinus, . , , - 1 1 1 • r makmg the Egestaeans aeans provided pay for all their forces, ^^^^ y-/,^„^ ^j^^^ ^•^. they would shape their course accord- playing the power of inglv ; if not, they would demand main- Athensjte would return tenance for sixty ships, the number which the Egestaeans had requested", and remain on the spot until they had brought the Selinuntians to terms either by force or by negotiation. They would then pass along the coast before the eyes of the other cities and display the visible power of Athens, while they proved at the same time her zeal in the cause of her friends and allies ; after this they would return home, unless a speedy way of relieving the Leontines or obtaining support from some of the other cities should unexpectedly present

  • Cp. vi. 8 init.

VOL. 11. Q