Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/250

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242 SPEECH OF EUPHEMUS [vi rule on the ground that we alone overthrew the Bar- barians, nor do we pretend that we fought for the liberty of our allies, and not equally for the general liberty and for our own' Can any man be blamed because he makes the natural provision for his own safety t^^? The same care of our safety has brought us hither, and we can see that our presence here is for your benefit as well as for ours. This we will prove to you ; and our proofs shall be drawn from the calumnies of our enemies, and from the suspicions and fears which most sway your minds. For we know that those who are timorous and mistrustful may be won for the moment by alluring words, but that when the time of action comes they follow their own interests. 'We have told you already that fear makes us main- It is for our interest ^ain our empire at home; and that a that yon should be iitde- like fear brings us to your shores. For pendent. IVe are quite ^^.^ ^esv& by the help of our friends to consistent in restoring . . .,-,... . , the Chakidians in Sicily secure our position in Sicily. And we and in subjecting the have not come to enslave you, but to g^ Chalcidnins in Euboea. ^^^^ ^^^ t^^^^ ij^jj^g enslaved. Let no one imagine that your welfare is no business of ours, for if you are preserved, and are strong enough to hold out against the Syracusans, they will be less likely to aid the Peloponnesians, and so to injure us. Thus you become at once our first concern. And we are quite consistent in restoring the Leontines, not to be subjects, like their kinsmen in Euboea, but to be as strong as ever we can make them, that from their position on the border they may harass the Syracusans and do our work. In Hellas we are a match for our enemies single-handed ; and as to our subjection of the Chalcidians at home, which Ilermo- crates finds so inconsistent with our emancipation of the Chalcidians here, it is for our advantage, on the one hand, that the cities of Euboea should have no armed force and contribute money only, and, on the other hand, that the • Cp. V. 89 init. •' Cp. vi. 76 fin. Cp. i. 75 fin.