Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/315

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57] THE ATHENIANS AND THEIR ALLIES 307 tribute. These Aeolians were compelled to fight against their Aeolian founders, the Boeotians, who formed part of the Syracusan army. The Plataeans were the only Boeotians opposed to Boeotians, a natural result of mutual hatred. The Rhodians and Cytherians were both Dorians ; the Cytherians, although (3) Dorians, kindred Lacedaemonian colonists, bore arms in agnntsi kindred. the Athenian cause against the Lacedaemonians who came with Gylippus ; and the Rhodians, though by descent Argive, were compelled to fight against the Syracusans, who were Dorians, and against the Geloans, who were actually their own colony'^, and were taking part with Syracuse. Of the islanders around Peloponnesus, the (,v,) Allies called in- Cephallenians and Zacynthians were dependent, who n'ere independent; still, being islanders, renl/y compelled : either '■ ' ' ° (i) 'slanders, or (2) they followed under a certain degree cities having special of constraint ; for the Athenians were enmities. masters of the sea. The Corcyraeans, who were not only Dorians but actually Corinthians, were serving against Corinthians and Syracusans, although they were the colonists of the one and the kinsmen of the other ; they followed under a decent appearance of compulsion, but quite readily, because they hated the Corinthians*'. The Messenians too, as the inhabitants of Naupactus were now called, including the garrison of Pylos, which was at that time held by the Athenians, were taken by them to the war. A few Megarians, having the misfortune to be exiles, were thus induced to fight against the Selinuntians, who were Megarians like themselves^. The service of the remaining allies was voluntary. The Argives f, not so much because they , ,,. r A 1 • 1 • C'^) voluntary allies. were allies of Athens, as owmg to then* hatred of the Lacedaemonians, and the desire of each man " Cp. vi. 4 med. •* Cp. ii. 7 fin.; vi. 85 ined. ' Cp. i. 25 med. <* Cp. iv. 74 ; vi. 43 fin. « Cp. vi. 4 init. ' Cp. vi. 43.