Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/400

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392 TROUBLES OF THE PELOPONNESIANS [vill thrown the constitution of their country, which we maintain and will endeavour to make the oligarchy maintain likewise. Our advisers in the camp then are at least as good as theirs in the city. Alcibiades, if we procure his recall and pardon, will be delighted to obtain for us the alliance of the King. And above all, if these hopes fail entirely, yet, while we have our great navy, there are many places of refuge open to us in which we shall find city and lands.' 77 Having met and encouraged one another by these and The oligarchic awoys similar appeals, they displayed a cor- reiuani at Delos. responding energy in their preparations for war. And the ten commissioners whom the Four Hundred had sent out to Samos, hearing when they reached Delos how matters stood, went no further. 78 Meanwhile the Peloponnesians in the fleet at Miletus The Pdoponncsian '^^^ likewise troubles amongthemsclves. sailors complain bitterly The sailors Complained loudly to one o/AstyoclmsaudTissa- another that their cause was ruined by phcrnes. a . 1 t -r-- 1 - a Astyochus and 1 issaphernes. * Asty- ochus,' they said, 'refused to fight before =', while we were strong and the Athenian navy weak, and will not fight now when they are reported to be in a state of anarchy, and their fleet is not as yet united. We are kept waiting for Tissaphernes and the Phoenician ships, which are a mere pretence and nothing more, and we shaJl soon be utterly exhausted. Tissaphernes never brings up the promised reinforcement, and he destroys our nav}' by his scanty and irregular payments : the time has come when we must fight.' The Syracusans were especially vehement in the matter. 79 Astyochus and the allies became aware of the outer}-, and had resolved in council to fight a decisive battle. This resolution was confirmed when they heard of the confusion at Samos. So they put to sea with all their ships, in number a hundred and twelve, and ordering the Cp. viii. 38 fin., 44 fin., 55 init , 60 fin.