Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/421

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ordered a supply of barley-meal and other provisions, intending, if he were long detained, to make Lesbos his head-quarters while attacking Chios. He wanted also to sail against the Lesbian town of Eresus, which had re- volted, and, if possible, to destroy the place. Now certain of the chief citizens of Methymna who had been driven into exile had conveyed to the island about fifty hoplites, partisans of theirs, from Cyme, besides others whom they hired on the mainland, to the number of three hundred in all. They were commanded by Anaxander, a Theban, who was chosen leader because the Lesbians were of Theban descent*. They first of all attacked Methymna. In this attempt they were foiled by the timely arrival of the Athenian garrison from Mytilene, and being a second time repulsed outside the walls, had marched over the mountains and induced Eresus to revolt. Thither Thras- yllus sailed, having determined to attack them with all his ships. He found that Thrasybulus had already reached the place, having started from Samos with five ships as soon as he heard that the exiles had landed. But he had come too late to prevent the revolt, and was lying off Eresus. There Thrasyllus was also joined by two ships which were on their way home from the Hellespont, and b}' a squadron from Meth3'mna. The whole fleet now consisted of sixty-seven ships, from the crews of which the generals formed an arm}', and prepared by the help of engines and by every possible means to take Eresus. Meanwhile Mindarus and the Peloponnesian fleet at Chios, having spent two days in pro- The Peloponnesian visioning, and having received from the A^'"' stealing away be- /—i. ,1 /"•!• i iKr fore dazvn front Chios, Chians three Chian tesseracosts " tor ■' ., ■' . , ,, ' on the evening oj the each man, on the third day sailed second day arrives at hastily from Chios, not going through '/'^ Hellespont.

Cp. iii. 2 fin., 5 med., 13 init. ; viii. 5 init.

A small Chian coin of which the exact value is unknown: if it amounted to 1/40th of the gold stater (20 drachmae) it would be worth 3 obols, 4d.