Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/424

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4l6 BATTLE OF CYNOSSEMA [vill again, and also to thrust their centre back on the land which was near. The Athenians, seeing their intention, advanced from the land the wing on which the enemy wanted to cut them off, and succeeded in getting beyond them. But their left wing by this time had passed the promontory of Cynossema, and the result was that the centre of their line was thinned and weakened — all the more since their numbers were inferior and the sharp projection of the shore about Cynossema hindered those who were on one side from seeing what was taking place on the other. 105 So the Peloponnesians, falling upon the centre of the But in the monioit Athenian fleet, forced their enemies' of victory the Pehpon- ships back on the beach, and having ucsiaits fall into con- • , j • • j 1. j;„„»«  , . ■' , , r . 1 gamed a decisive advantage, disem- iiston ana arc dejcatcd ° . . by a sudden turn of barked to follow up their victory. Thrasybnlns. Neither Thrasybulus on the right wing, who was pressed hard by superior numbers, nor Thras- yllus on the left, was able to assist them. The promont- ory of Cynossema hindered the left wing from seeing the action, and the ships of the Syracusans and others, equal in number to their own, kept them fully engaged. But at last, while the victorious Peloponnesians were incautiously pursuing, some one ship, some another, a part of their line began to fall into disorder. Thrasybulus remarked their confusion, and at once left off extending his wing ; then turning upon the ships which were op- posed to him, he repulsed and put them to flight ; he next faced ^ the conquering and now scattered ships of the Peloponnesian centre, struck at them, and threw them into such a panic that hardly any of them resisted. The Syracusans too had by this time given way to Thras- yllus, and were still more inclined to fly when they saw the others flying. " Or, ' intercepted.