Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/431

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INDEX 423 Aeolian subjects of the Athenians before Syracuse, vii. 57 med. Aeolians, ancient occupants of Co- rinth, iv. 42 med. Aeolis, former name of Calydon and Plcuron, iii, loa med. Acsimides, a Corcyraean com- mander, i. 47 init. Aeson, an Argive envoy to Lace- daemon, V. 40 fin. Aethaea, Lacedaemonian Perioeci of, i. loi init. Aethiopia, plague said to have begun in, ii. 48 init. Aetna, eruption of, iii. ri6; the third since the Hellenic settle- ments of Sicily, ib. Aetolia, customs of the Aetolians, i. 5 fin., iii. 94 fin. ; disastrous cam- paign of the Athenians in, ib. 94 med.-gS [cp. iv. 30 init.] ; the Aetolians persuade the Lacedae- monians to send an expedition against Naupactus, ib. 100 ; join in the expedition,:'^. 102 init.; Aetol- ians before Syracuse, vii. 57 fin. Agamemnon, power of, i. g ; pos- sessed a great navy, ib. Agatharchidas, a Corinthian com- mander, ii. 83 fin. Agatharchus, a Sicilian commander, vii. 25 init., 70 init. Agesander, father of Agesandridas, a Spartan, viii. gi med. Agesandridas, a Spartan com- mander, viii. gi med., g4, gs. Agesippidas, a Lacedaemonian commander, v. 56 init. Agis, king of Lacedaemon, iii. 8g init., iv. 2 init. ; invades Attica, ib. 2 init., 6; swears to the Treaty of Alliance, v. 24 init. ; marches towards Argos, but retires, ib. 54 ; attacks Argos, ib. 57 ; sur- rounds the Argives, ib. 58, 5g ; makes a truce with the Ar- gives, ib. 60 init.; blamed for his conduct, and threatened with punishment, ib. 60 med., 63; VOL. II. F nearly commits a second error, ib. 65 init. ; draws the Argives into the plain, before Mantinca, ib. fin. ; surprised by the enemy, ib. 66 init. ; defeats the enemy, ib. 70-74 ; leads a new expedition to Argos, »7>. 83 in it. ; invades Attica, and fortifies Decelea, vii. 19 init., 27 med.; raises money for a navy, viii. 3 init. ; his great powers, viii. 4 fin.; rejects the peace proposals of the Athenian oligarchs, ib. 70 fin.; repulsed from the walls of Athens, ib. 71 ; advises the Four Hundred to send ambassadors to Sparta, ib. fin. ; an enemy of Alcibiades, viii. 12 fin., 45 init. Agraeans, in Aetolia, ii. 102 med., iii. io6med.; ib.wi fin., 114 med. ; forced into the Athenian alliance, iv. 77fin. ; employed in a descent upon Sicyon, ib. loi med. Agrianians, in Paeonia, ii. g6 med. Agrigentum, founded from Gela, vi. 4med. ; gained over by Phaeax to the Athenian alliance, v. 4 fin. ; remains neutral in the war between Syracuse and Athens,vii. 32 med., ib. 33 init., ib. 58 init. ; falls into revolution, vii. 46; vic- tory of the anti-Syracusan party, ib. 50 init. Alcaeus, Archon at Athens, v. 19 init., ib. 25 init. Alcamenes, a Lacedaemonian com- mander, viii. 4 ; ordered to Les- bos by Agis, ib. 8 med. ; driven into Piraeum by the Athenians and slain, ib. 10 fin. Alcibiades, the name Lacedaemon- ian, viii. 6 med.; his extravagant character, vi. 12 fin. ; his un- popularity helped to ruin Athens, ib. 15 ; his victories at Olympia, ?6. 16 init.; head of the war party at Athens, v. 43 init., vi. 15 init.; irritated by the contempt of the Lacedaemonians, V. 43 med. ; ne- gotiates an alliance with Argos,