Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/433

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INDEX 425 Alcmaeon, the story of, ii. 102 fin. Alcmacoiiidae, aid in the deposi- tion of Hippias, vi. 59 fin. Alexander, the father of Pcrdiccas, king of Macedonia, i. 57 init., ib. 137 init. ; of Argive descent, ii. 99 init. Alexarchus, a Corinthian com- mander, vii. 19 med. Alexicles, an Athenian general of the ohgarchical party, seized by the popular part^', viii. 92 med. ; released, 93 init. ; flees to Dece- lea, 98 init. Alexippidas, Ephor at Lacedaemon, viii. 58 init. Alicyaei, in Sicily, vii. 32 med. Allies [of the Athenians], ii. 9fin. ; character of the league, i. 19 ; used to meet at Deles, i. 96 fin. ; formerl}' independent, il>. 97 init. ; their gradual subjugation, il?. 99 [cp. iii. ID, II, vi. 76] ; those present before Syracuse, vii. 57 ; admired in Hellas for their adoption of Athenian lan- guage and manners, vii. 63 med. Allies [of the Lacedaemonians"', ii. 9 init. ; formation of the league, i. 18 ; its character, il>. 19 ; allies summoned to Sparta, i. 67 ; again summoned, ib. 119 ; vote for war, ib. 125. Almopia, in Macedonia, ii. 99 fin. Alope, in Locris, ii. 26 fin. Altar, of Apollo the Founder, at Naxos, vi. 3 init. ; the Pythian Apollo, erected by Pisistratus at Athens, ib. 54 fin. ; [Athene] in the Acropolis, i. 126 med. ; the awful Goddesses at Athens, ib. ; the Twelve Gods at Athens, vi. 54 fin.; Olympian Zeus, v. 50 init. Altars, a sanctuary and refuge, iv. 98 fin., V. 60 fin., viii. 84 med. Al^'zia, in Acarnania, vii. 31 init. F Ambracia, a Corinthian colony, ii. 80 med., vii. 58 med. ; an ally of the Lacedaemonians, ii. 9 init. ; the Ambraciots the most war- like of the Epirots, iii. 108 med. ; they send troops to Epidamnus, i. 26init. ; furnish ships to Corinth, ib. 27 fin., ib. 46 init., 48 fin. ; de- feated in the engagement off Sy- bota, ib. 49 med. ; attack the Am- philochian Argives, ii. 68 ; invade Acarnania, ib. 80 ; retire, //'. 82 ; send reinforcements to Alcidas, iii. 69 ; persuade the Lacedae- monians to attack the Amphilo- chian Argos, ib. 102 fin. ; join the Lacedaemonians in the expedi- tion, ib. 105, 106 ; defeated by the Acarnanians, under Demo- sthenes, ib. 107, 108 ; deserted by the Peloponnesians, ib. 109, 11 1 ; total destruction of their rein- forcements, ib. 112, 113 ; great- ness of the calamity, ib. 113 fin. ; conclude a treaty with the Acar- nanians, ib. 114 med. ; receive a garrison from Corinth, ib. fin. ; assist Gylippus with ships, vi. 104 med., vii. 4 fin., 7 init., 58 med. ; presentatCynossema, viii. 106 mod. ; Ambraciot envo3'S sent by the S^'racusans to the Sicilian cities after the capture of Plcm- myrium, vii. 25 fin. ; slain by the Siccis, ib. 32. Ambracian gulf, i. 29 med., 55 init. Ameiniadcs, Athenian ambassador to Seuthcs, ii. 67 med. Amcinias, a Lacedaemonian envoy, iv. 132 fin. Ameinocles, the Corinthian ship- builder, i. 13 init. Ammeas, a Plataean commander, iii. 22 med. Amorges, the bastard son of Pis- suthnes, revolts in Caria, viii. 5 fin., 19 init. ; captured by the Peloponnesians, and handed over to Tissaphemes, ib. 28 med.; said f2