Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/439

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INDEX 431 Arrhibaeus, king of the Lyncestians, iv. 79 fin. ; attacked by Perdic- cas, ib. 83 ; defeated, ib. 124 ; Perdiccas' lUyrian troops desert to him, //'. 125 init. ; the pass into his country, tb. 127 fin. Arsaces, a heutenant of Tissapher- nes, viii. 108 med. ; massacres the Delians, ib. fin. Artabazus, son of Pharnaces, sent by Xerxes with letters to Paus- anias, i. 129 init., 132 fin. Artaphernes, a Persian ambassador to Sparta, intercepted by the Athenians, iv. 50. Artas, an lapygian prince, furnishes javeHn-mcn to tiie Athenians, vii. 33 med. Ai taxerxes, son of Xerxes, king of Persia, i. 104 init. ; succeeds to the throne, ib. 137 med. ; his re- ception of Themistocles, ib. 138 ; his death, iv. 50 fin. ; the father of Darius Nothus, viii. 5 init. Artemis, temple of, at Rhegium, vi. 44 fin.; at Ephesus, viii. 109 fin. Artemisium, a month at Sparta, v. 19 init. Artemisium, battle of, iii. 54 med. Arts : in the arts, as in politics, the new must prevail over the old, i. 71 init. Artynae, the magistrates at Argos, V. 47 fin. Asia : the Barbarians of Asia wear girdles in wrestling and boxing matches, i. 6fin. ; Pelops brought his wealth from Asia, ib. 9 init. ; no singla nation, even in Asia, could compare with the Scythians if united, ii. 97 fin. ; Magnesia in Asia, i. 138 fin. ; the Thracians of Asia, iv. 75 fin.: 'the King's country in Asia,' viii. 58. Asine, a city in Laconia, iv. 13 init., 54 fin., vi. 93 med. Asopius, father of Phormio, an Athenian, i. 64 med. Asopius, son of Phormio, ravages the Laconian coast, iii. 7 init. ; attacks Oeniadae, ib. med. ; falls in a descent upon Leucas, //'. fin. Asopolaus, father of Astymachus, a Plataean, iii. 52 fin. Asopus, river in Boeotia, ii. 5 init. Aspendus, viii. 81 fin., 87 med., 88 init., 99 init., 108 med. Assembly, the Athenian, summoned by Pericles as general, ii. 59 fin. ; forms of, iv. 118 fin.; usually held in the Pnyx, viii. 97 init. ; Peisander summons an assembly at Colonus, ib. 67 med. ; the assembly summoned to the tem- ple of Dionysus in Munychia lor ' the restoration of harmony,' ib. 93 fin., 94 init. ; the oligarchs pretend that so many as 5,000 citizens never met in one assem- blj^ ;/'. 72 med. Assembly, the Lacedaemonian, mode of voting at, i. 87 init. Assinarus, river in Sicily, capture of Nicias' division at, vii. 84. Assyrian character, used by the Persians, iv. 50 med. Astacus, in Acarnania, captured by the Athenians, who e^pel the tyrant Evarchus, ii. 30 med. ; the town is retaken and Evarchus restored by the Corinthians, ;/'. 33 init. ; landing of Phormio near Astacus, ib. 102 init. Astymachus, a Plataean, one of those chosen to plead before the Lacedaemonians, iii. 52 fin. Astyochus, a Lacedaemonian ad- miral, viii. 2omed. ; entrusted with the command of the whole navy in Asia, ib. ; arrives at Lesbos, ib. 23 init. ; fails to save Lesbos from the Athenians, )Z». med., fin. ; sum- moned to Chios to avert a revo- lution, ib. 24 fin., //'. 31 init. ; fails to recover Clazomenae and Pte- leum, ib. 31 med. ; enraged with the Chians for refusing to assist in the revolt of Lesbos, ib. 32 fin.,