Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/441

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INDEX 433 Athenians (cont.) — superiority, ii. 62 ; willing to face any odds at sea, ib. 88 fin. ; per- fection of theirnavy,iii. 17; mode of burying the dead in the war, ii. 34 ; their greatness and glory, ii. 37-41, 63, 64 ; for half a cen- tury an imperial people, viii. 68 / fin. ; maintain the children of the fallen at the public expense, ii. 46 ; their mistakes in the war, ib. 65 ; their love of rhetoric, iii. 38 med.,40 init. ; their over clever- ness and suspiciousness, ib. 43 ; their fickle temperament, vii. 48 med. ; their elation at success, iv. 65 fin. ; their impatience of discipline, vii. 14 init., fin. ; ' never retired from a siege through fear of another foe,' v. iir init. ; the most experienced soldiers in Hel- las, vi. 72 med., vii. 6r fin. [b.c. 510] ; the Athenians governed by tyrants, i. 18 init., vi. 53 fin. -59 ; the tyrants put down by the La- cedaemonians, i. 18 init., vi. 53 fin.; the Athenians make war on theAeginetans[B.c.49i],i.i4fin., their services in the Persian war, ib. 73, 74, ii. 36 med. ; the Athen- ians build their walls and the Piraeus, i. 91, 93 [b.c. 480-B.c. 479] ; the Athenians join in the capture of Byzantium and Cyprus, ib.g^ • obtain the leadership of the allies, »'A. 95, 96,99 [cp. ib. 18, 19]; subject Eion, Scyros, Carystus, Naxos, ib. 98 ; conquer the Pers- ians at the Eurymedon, ib. 100 init. ; subdue the revolted Thas- ians, ib. 100, lor ; fail in an at- tempt to colonise Amphipolis, ih. 100 fin. ; called in by the Lace- daemonians during the siege of Ithome,«i&. 101,102; dismissed by the Lacedaemonians, ib. 102 med. ; offended at the Lacedaemonians and form alliance with Argos, ib. fin. ; settle the Helots at Naupac- tus, ib. 103 med.; make allianc^ with the Megarians, »'6. 103 fin. ; oc- cupy Nisaea, ib. ; aid the revolted Egyptians, ib. 104 ; defeated by the Corinthians and Epidaurians at Halieis, ii^. 105 init. ; defeat the Peloponnesians off Cecryphaleia, i/>. ; go to war again with the Aeginetans [B.c.459] , id. 105 ; de- feat the Aeginetans at sea, ib. init.; gain a slight advantage over the Corinthians, ib. fin. ; in- flict a severe defeat on them, ib. 106 ; build their Long Walls, ib. 107 init., 108 med. ; are defeated by the Lacedaemonians at Tana- gra, ib. 107 fin., 108 init. ; defeat the Boeotians at Oenophyta, ib. 108 med. ; compel Aegina to surrender, z'/5. 108 fin.; takeChalcis and defeattheSicyonians,/'/'. fin. ; driven out of Memphis, ib. 109 ; their reinforcements destroyed, ib. no; unsuccessfully attack Pharsalus, ib. iiiinit.; defeat the Sicyonians and make an attempt on Oeniadae, ib. fin.; send ships to Egypt, /A. 1 12 init. ; fight in Cy- prus, ib, med. ; take Chaeronea but are defeated at Coronea, ib. 113; their garrison in Mcgara is slaughtered, //'. 114 init.; first invasion of Attica, ib. med. ; Eu- boea revolts, ib. init. ; is reduced, ib. fin. ; the Athenians make peace with the Lacedaemonians, ib. 115 init.; establish a demo- cracy at Samos, ib. med. ; the Sam- ians and Byzantines revolt, ib. the Athenians defeat the Samians, ib. 116 med. ; blockade Samos, ib. fin.; send reinforcements to Sam- os, »■/'. 117; capture Samos, ib. fin. [cp. i. 40 fin., 41 init.] [The PeloponnesianWar] ; theAthen- ians enter into alliance with Corcyra, ib. 44 ; send assistance to Corcyra, ib. 45 ; fight with the Corcyraeans at sea against the