Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/455

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INDEX 447 Cinion, son of Miltiades, captures Eion, i. 98 init. ; conquers the Persians at the Eurymcdon, ih. 100 init. ; commands the Athen- ian reinforcements at the siege of Ithome, ib. 102 init. ; dies in Cyprus, ib. 112 med. Cimon, father of Lacedaemonius, an Athenian, i. 45. Cithaeron, Mt., ii. 75 init., iii. 24 init. Cities, ancient cities small, i. 2 med. ; resembled scattered vil- lages, ib. 10 init. ; at first built inland, afterwards on the sea- shore, ib. 7 ; the cities of Ionia unfortified, iii. 33 med.; 'The City,' name for Acropolis at Athens, ii. 15 fin. Citium, in Cj'prus, i. 112 med. Citizen, the citizen must be sacri- ficed to the state, ii. 60 init., 6r fin. Citizenship, the Lacedaemonians deprive those ^vho had been prisoners at Sphacteria of citizen- ship, V. 34 fin. Clarus, in Ionia, iii. 33 init. Classes of the citizens at Athens, iii. 16 init., vi. 43 med. Clazomenae, built on an island, viii. 14 fin. ; the Clazomenians revolt from Athens, ib. ; fortify Polichne, ib. ; aid in the revolt of Teos, ib. 16; the Pelopon- nesian infantry march towards Clazomenae, ib. 22 fin. ; they are subdued by the Athenians, ib. 23 fin. ; repulse a Pelopon- nesian attack, ib. 31 med. Cleaenetus, father of Clcon, an Athenian, iii. 36 fin. Cleandridas, father of Gylippus, a Spartan, vi. 93 med. Clearchus, a Lacedaemonian com- mander, viii. 8 med. ; appointed to the Hellespont, ib. 39 med., 80. Clcaridas, a Lacedaemonian, made governor of Amphipolis, iv. 132 fin. ; commands with Brasidas at the battle of Amphipolis, v. 6-11 ; refuses to surrender Am- phipolis, ib. 21 med. ; brings home the troops of Brasidas, ib. 34 init. Cleinias, the father of Alcibiadcs, an Athenian, V. 43 init. ; another, father of Theopompus [?], ii. 26; another, father of Cleopompus, ib. 58. Cleippides, an Athenian com- mander, iii. 3 med. Cleobulus, ephor at Sparta, v. 36 init. ; favours the war part^^ ib.; negotiates with the Boeotians and Corinthians, ib. 36-38, Cleombrotus, father of Pausanias, a Lacedaemonian, i. 94 init. ; of Nicomedes, ib. 107 init. Cieomedes, an Athenian general in the attack on Melos, v. 84 fin. Cleomenes, king of Sparta, expels the ' accursed persons ' from Athens, i. 126 fin. Cleomenes, the uncle of king Pails- anias, iii. 26 med. Cleon, a great popular leader, iii. 36 fin., iv. 21 med. ; hostile to Nicias, iv. 27 fin. ; a great cnemj" to peace, v. 16 init.; his arro- gance, tb. 7 med. ; carries the decree condemning the Myti- lenaeans to death, iii. 36 fin. ; his speech against its repeal, ib. 37 40 ; moves and carries the slaughter of 1000 Mytilenaean captives at Athens, ib. 50 init. : causes the breaking off of nego- tiations with Sparta, iv. 21, 22 ; is sent in place of Nicias to Pylos, ib. 27, 28 ; selects Demo- sthenes as his colleague, ih. 29 init. ; makes with Demosthenes an attack on Sphacteria, ib. 31- 37 ; compels the surrender of the Lacedaemonians, ib. 36 ; carries a decree for the destruc-