Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/464

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45^ INDEX Dorians fcovf.) — fin., vii. 58 init. ; Dorian dialect spoken by the Messenians, iii. 1 12 mcd., iv. 41 med ; mixed with Chalcidian at Himcra, vi. 5 init. ; Dorian Paean, alarm caused by the Paean of their Dorian allies to the Athenians at the attack on Epipolae, vii. 44 fin. Dorieus, of Rhodes, twice con- queror at Olj^mpia, iii. 8. Dorieus, sent out in command of ten Thurian ships, viii. 35 init.; threatened with violence by As- tyochus, ib. 84 init. Dorus, a Thessalian, iv. 78 init. Drabescus, in Thrace, Athenian colonists slaughtered there by the Thracians, i. 100 fin., iv. 102 med. Drachmae, Aeginetan, v. 47, § iv ; Attic, one Attic drachma paid each day per man by Tissapher- nes, viij. 29 init. ; the Athenians paid but half a drachma, ib 45 init. ; Corinthian, i. 27 init. Droans, a Thracian tribe, ii. lor med. Droughts during the Peloponnesian War, i. 23 mcd. Drymussa, an island ofT Clazome- nae, viii. 31 fin. Dryopcs, Caryslus in Euboea in- habited by, vii. 57 init. Dryoscephalae, in Boeotia, iii. 24 init. Dym6, in Achaia, ii. 84 med. and fin. Earth, ' the whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men,' ii. 43 med. Earth, Temple of, at Athens, ii. 15 mcd. Earthquakes, frequency of, during the Peloponnesian War, i. 23 med. ; great earthquake before the siege of Ithomc, i. loi init., 138 init., iii. 54 fin.; at Delos, ii. 8 med. ; in the fifth year of the war, iii. 87 fin., 89 init. ; the probable cause of an extraordin- ary ebb and flow of the sea, ib. 89 ; Lacedaemonian expeditions stopped by, ib. 89 init., vi. 95 init. ; at the beginning of the eighth year of the War, iv. 52 init. ; assemblies interrupted by, v. 45 fin.. 50 fin ; earthquakes at Athens, ib. 45 fin. ; at Corinth, ib. 50 fin. ; at Clconae, vi. 95 init. ; at Sparta, viii. 6 fin. ; at Cos, ib. 41 med. ; the Lacedae- monians supersede an admiral because of an earthquake, ib. 6 fin. Eccritus, a Spartan commander, ^ii. 19 med. Echecratides, king of Thessaly, i. Ill init. Echetimidas, father of Taurus, a Lacedaemonian, iv. 119 init. Echinades, islands at the mouth of the Achelous, ii. 102 med. Eclipses of the sun, ii. 28, iv. 52 init.; great number of, during the Peloponnesian War, i. 23 med. ; only occur at the new moon, ii. 28 [cp. iv. 52] ; eclipse of the moon, vii. 50 fin. Edoni, iv. 109 fin.; old inhabitants of Amphipolis, i. 100 fin., iv. 102 med ; drive out Aristagoras of Miletus, iv. 102 init. ; destroy the Athenian settlors, ib. ; expelled by the Macedonians from Myg- donia, ii. 99 med.; Myrcinus, an Edonian town, iv. 107 fin. ; Pit- tacus, king of the Edonians, ib.; Brasidas summons their whole forces, v. 6 med. Eetionea, part of the Piraeus, fortified by the oligarchs, viii. 90 med., 91 med., 92 init.; destroj^ed by the soldiers at the instigation of Tlicramenes, ib. 92. Egesta, Trojan origin of, vi. 2 init , vii, 57 fin.; Egcsteans at warwith