Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/467

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INDEX 459 Epidaurus Limera, in Laconia, iv. 56 med., vi. 105 fin., vii. 18 med., 26 init. Epipolae, situation and importance of, vi. 96, vii. a ; captured by the Athenians, vi. 97 ; fortified, ib. loi init.; unsuccessfully attacked by the Syracusans, ib. 102 ; Gy- lippus enters Syracuse by way of, vii. I, 2 ; the Syracusans de- feated there, ib, 5 ; the Syracus- ans defeat the Athenians and carry their cross-wall past the Athenian wall on Epipolae, ib. 6 ; night engagement upon, ib. 43-45- Epirus, Epirot tribes join the ex- pedition of Cnemus, ii. 80 fin. Epitadas, the Spartan commander in Sphacteria, iv. 8 fin., 31 med., 33 init., 39 med. ; death of, «'Z». 38 init. Erae, in the territory of Teos, re- volts from Athens, viii. 19 fin. ; unsuccessfully attacked by the Athenians, ib. 20 fin. Erasinides, a Corinthian com- mander, vii. 7 init. Erasistratus, father of Phaeax, an Athenian, v. 4 init, Eratocleides, father of Phalius, a Corinthian, i. 24 init. Erechtheus, king of Athens, ii. 15 init. Eresus, strengthened by the re- volted Lesbians, iii. 18 init.; cap- tured by Paches, ib. 35 init. ; Astyochus goes there and raises a revolt, viii. 23 med. [cp. fin.] ; again revolts, ib. 100 med. ; be- sieged by the Athenians, ib. fin., loi init., 103 med. Eretria, war of the Eretrians with theChalcidians, i. 15 fin.; subject to Athens, vii. 57 init. ; betray Oropus to the Boeotians, vii. 60 init. ; the Eretrians go to Rhodes and ask assistance from the Lacedaemonians, ib. med. ; aid Peloponnesians to defeat the Athenians at Oropus, ib. 95 ; Mend6, an Eretrian colony, iv. 123 init. Erineum, in Doris, i. 107 init. Erineus, in Achaia, vii. 34 init., fin. Erineus, river in Sicily, vii. 80 fin., 82 fin. Eruption of Aetna, iii. 116; of Hiera, in the Lipari islands, ib. 88 med. Erythrae, in Boeotia, iii. 24 med. Erythrae, in Ionia, iii. 33 med. ; re- volts from Athens, viii. 5, 6, 14 med. ; the Erythraeans assist in the revolt of Teos, 1*. 16 med. ; the Athenians hold two forts in the Erythraean territory, ib. 24 init. ; Pedaritus sails from Eryth- rae for Chios, ib. 28 fin., 32 med. ; Astyochus, narrowly escaping the Athenians, returns thither from Corycus, ib. 33 ; trick of certain Erythraean prisoners, ib. Eryx, in Sicily, vi. 2 med. ; temple of Aphrodite there, ib. 46 med. Eryxidaldas, father of Philochari- das, a Lacedaemonian, iv. 119 med. Eteonicus, a Lacedaemonian com- mander, viii. 23 med. Euboea, Carystus revolts from Athens, the other Euboeans re- main quiet, i. 98; Euboea revolts, ib. 1 14 init.; issubdued, «Z>. fin.[cp. 23 fin.], iv. 92 med., vi. 76, 84 ; the Athenians removetheirflocks to Euboea before the Pelopon- nesian invasion, ii. 14 ; theAthen- ians take precautions for the safety of Euboea, ib. 26 [cp. iii. 17 init.], viii. i fin.; plundered bj' Locrian pirates, ii. 32 fin. ; the Lacedaemonians form designs upon Euboea, iii. 92, 93 ; the Euboeans negotiate with Agis about a fresh revolt, viii. 4 [cp. 60 init.] ; all Euboea, except Oreus revolts, »Zi. 95 nn.; Athens