Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/474

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466 INDEX Hestiaea, in Euboea. expulsion of the Hestiaeans by the Athenians, i. 1 14 fin.; colonised from Athens, vii. 57 init. Hestiodorus, an Athenian com- mander, ii. 70 init. Hiera, one of the Liparaean islands, iii. 88 med. Hieramenes, mentioned withTissa- phernes in the third treaty with the Lacedaemonians, viii. 58 init. Hiereans, a Malian tribe, iii. 92 init. Hierophon, an Athenian com- mander, iii. 105 med. Himera, colonised from Zancle, vi. 5 init. : the only Hellenic city on the north coast, ib. 69 init. ; tl'.e Athenians and Sicels invade its territory, iii. 115; the Ilimer- aeans aid Gylippus, vii. i , 58 init. Himeraeum, in Thrace, vii. 9 fin. Hippagretas, one of the Spartan commanders at Sphacteria, iv. 38 init. Hipparchus, son of Pisistratus, never actually tyrant, i. 20 init., vi. 54 init., 55 fin. ; slain by Harmodius and Aristogiton, i. 20, vi. 54, 56-58; left no chil- dren, vi. 55 init. Hippias, commander of the garri- son at Notium, treacherously seized by Paches, iii. 34 med. Hippias, eldest son of Pisistratus, i. 20 init., vi. 54 init., 55 init.; his children, vi. 55 ; becomes more oppressive, ib. 59 init. ; deposed by the Lacedaemonians, ib. fin. ; goes to Persia and re- turns to take part at Marathon, ib. Hippias, father of Pisistratus, vi, 54 fin. Hippocles, an Athenian com- mander, viii. 13. Hippoclus, tj'rant of Lampsacus, vi. 59 med. Hippocrates, an Athenian general, fellow commander with Demo- sthenes, iv. 66 med. ; attempts Megara and captures Nisaea, ib. 66-69 ; plans with Demosthenes an invasion of Boeotia, ib. 76, 77 ; fortifies Delium, ib. 90 ; speech of, ib. 95 ; defeated and slain, ib. 96, loi init. Hippocrates, a Lacedaemonian commander, loses part of his fleet off Triopium by an Athen- ian attack, viii. 35 ; informs Mindarus of the treachery of Tissaphernes, ib. 99 med. ; sent to Euboea, ib. 107 fin. Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela, vi. 5 fin. ; rcfounds Camarina, ib. Hippolochidas, a Thessalian, aids Brasidas in his march through Thessaly, iv. 78 init. Hipponicus, an Athenian general, iii. 91 med. Hipponoidas, a Spartan polem- arch, V. 71 fin. ; banished for cowardice at Mantinea, ib. 72 init. Homer quoted, (II. ii. 108), i. 9 fin. ; (ii. 570), ib. 13 med. ; (from the Hymn to Apollo), iii. 104 med. ; the testimony of, shows the comparative smallness of the Trojan War, i. 10 med. ; his use of the name Hellenes, ib. 3 med. _See Poets.] Honour, the love of, is ever young, ii. 44 fin. ; often lures men to destruction, v. 1 1 1 med. Hope, the deceitfulness of, iii. 39 med., 45, iv. 108 med., v. 103; the higher the hope, the greater the courage, vii. 67 init. Hj'acinthia, festival of, at Lacedae- mon, V. 23, § iv ; 41 fin. Hyaeans, an Ozolian Locrian tribe, iii. loi fin. Hybla Geleatis, in Sicil3', unsuc- cessfully attacked by the Athen- ians, vi. 62 fin., 63 med. ; the Hyblaeans have their corn burnt bj' the Athenians, ib. 94 fin.