Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/479

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INDEX 471 Lacedaemon (cottt.) — Icnacans into alliance, ih. 15 init.; summon the allies to the Isthmus, ib. med. ; send a fleet to Lesbos, ih. 16 fin. ; send Salaethus to Mytilene, ib. 25 init. ; (5th year) invade Attica, ib. 26 ; arrive too late to save Lesbos, ib. 29 ; com- pel Plataea to surrender, ib. 52 init. ; put the Plataeans to death, ib. 68 ; raze Plataea, ib. ; prepare an expedition to Corcyra, ib. 69 ; engage the AtheniansandCorcyr- aeans, ib. 76-78; retire, ib. 79- 8t init. ; (6th year) deterred by earthquakes from the invasion of Attica, ib. 89 init. ; colonise Heraclea, ib. 92, 93, 100 ; send an army against Naupactus, ib. 100-102 ; invade Amphilochia, ib. 105, 106; defeated, ib. 107, 108 ; desert the Ambraciots, ib. 109, III ; (7th year) invade At- tica, iv. 2 init. ; return on the news of the capture of Pylos, ib. 6; occupy Sphacteria, ib. 8 fin. ; unsuccessfully assault Pylos, ib. II, 12; defeated in the harbour, ib. 14 ; make a truce with the Athenians, and send ambassadors to Athens, i'6. 15, 16; their speech, ib. 17-20; the Lacedaemonians break off negotiations, ib. 21, 22 ; their troops inSphacteria attacked and forced to surrender, ih. 31- 38; they sue for peace, ib. 41; negotiate with the King, ib. 50 med. ; (8th year) the Athenians take Cythera, ib. 53, 54 ; the Lace- daemonians are panic-stricken at their ill success in the war, ib. 55 ; their garrison in Nisaea sur- renders to the Athenians, ib. 69 fin. ; they encourage the ex- pedition of Brasidas into Chal- cidice, ih. 80 init. ; capture Amphipolis, ib. 103-106 ; (9th year) make a truce for a year with the Athenians, ib. 11 7-1 19 ; VOL. II. I i Brasidas attempts Potidaca, ib. 135 ; (loth year) defeats the Athenians and falls at Amphi- polis, v. 6-11 ; (nth year) the Lacedaemonians become eager for peace, ib. 14 ; bring back Pleistoanax from exile, ib. 16 fin. ; make a treaty with the Athenians, ib. 17^19 ; conclude an alliance with the Athenians, ib. 22 fin.- 24 ; fall into contempt with and displease the Peloponnesians, ib. 28 fin., 29 fin. ; send envoys to Corinth, ib. 30 ; support the Lepreans against Elis, ib. 31 med.; make war upon the Parrh- asians, ih. 33 ; emancipate the Helot soldiers of Brasidas, and disfranchise the prisoners from Pylos, ib. 34 ; conclude an al- liance with the Boeotians in order to gain Panactum, ib. 39 ; (i2th year) receive Argive envoj-s and prepare to conclude a treaty with them, ib. 40, 41 ; announce the destruction of Panactum at Athens, ib. 42 ; their envoys at Athens are tricked by Alcibia- des, ib. 43-45 ; refuse to give up the Boeotian alliance at the de- mand of the Athenians, ib. 46 med. ; excluded by the Eieans from the Olympic games, ih. 49 ; (13th year) expelled from Hera- clea by the Boeotians, ib. 51, 52; start on an expedition against Argos but turn back, ib. 54 init. ; again start and return, ih. 55 med. ; garrison Epidaurus, ih. 56 init. ; (14th year! march against Argos, ib. 57 ; surround the Ar- gives, ib. 58, 59 ; furious with Agis for making a truce with the Argives, ib. 60 med., 63 ; march to the support of Tegea, ib. 64 init. ; surprised by the Argives before Mantinea, ib. 66 init. ; gain a great victory, ih. 70-74 ; make alliance with Argos, ib. 76-