Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/486

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478 INDEX Marriage, questions about marriage occasion a war between Selinus and Egesta, vi. 6 init. ; marri- ages between the nobles and the people forbidden at Samos. viii. 21 fin.; the water of the fountain Callirrhoe used at Athens in marriage rites, ii. 15 fin. Massalia, colonised by the Pho- caeans, i. 13 fin. Mecj'berna, in Chalcidice, provision respecting, in the Treaty of Peace, v. 18, § vii ; captured bj' the Olynthians, ib. 39 init. Medeon, in Acarnania, iii. 106 mcd. Medes, part of the garrison of the White Castle in Memphis, i. 104 fin. ; in Pausanias' body guard, i'j. 130 med. ^See Persia, and War, The Persian.] Megabates, Persian satrap of Das- c^lium, i. 129 init. Megabazus, a Persian, ambassador to Lacedaemon, i. 109 init. Megabyzus, son of Zopyrus, a Per- sian, reconquers Egypt, i. 109 med., no. Megacles, father of Onasimus, a Sicyonian, iv. 119 med. Megara, Theagenes, tyrant of [be- fore B.C. 632?], i. 126 init. ; the Megarians, pressed in war by the Corinthians, revolt from Lacedaemon to Athens, ib. 103 fin., see Forbes. Bk. i. p. 133 ; the Athenians build the Long Walls of Megara, ib. ; Megara is invaded by the Corinthians, ib. 105 med. ; the Megarian territory ravaged by the Lace- daemonians, ib. 108 init. ; the Megarians revolt from Athens, ib. 114 init. ; furnish aid to Cor- inth against Corcyra, ib. 27 med., 46 init., 48 fin. ; arc ex- cluded by the Athenians from their harbours, ib. 67 fin. [cp. i. 42 fin. (!;] ; complain against the Athenians at Sparta, ib. ; the Lacedaemonians require the Athenians to remove this re- striction, ib. 139 init. ; the Athenians bring counter charges against the Megarians, ib. med. ; the Megarians furnish the Lace- daemonians with ships, ii. 9 init. ; the Athenians invade Megara, ib. 31 ; do so twice yearly' imtil the capture of Nisaea, ib. [cp. iv. 66 init.] ; some Megarians sug- gest to Brasidas an attack on the Piraeus, ii. 93, 94 ; Minoa, the island in front of Megara, is captured b^- the Athenians, iii. 51 ; the Megarian exiles sheltered for a year by the Thebans at Plataea, ib. 68 med. ; the popular leaders at Megara attempt to bring in the Athenians, iv. 66, 67 ; the Athenians capture the Long Walls and Nisaea, ib. 68, 69 ; Megara saved bj' Brasidas, ib. 70-73 ; he is received into the city, ib. 73 fin. ; the exiles recalled, ib. 74 ; their cruel re- venge, ib. ; long duration of the oligarchical government at Me- gara, »'Z<.fin. ; Megarians reinforce the Boeotians after Delium, ib. 100 init. ; assent to the one year's truce, ib. 119 med.; dis- satisfied with the treaty be- tween the Lacedaemonians and Athenians, v. 17 fin. ; refuse to join the Argive alliance, »'Z». 31 fin.; act with the Boeotians, 16. 38 init. ; aid the Lacedaemonians in the in- vasion of Argos,«6. 58 fin. 59 med., 60 med. ; Megarian exiles accom- pany the Athenians to Sicil3', vi. 43 fin., vii. 57 med. ; the Megar- ians furnish ships to the Lace- daemonians, viii. 3 fin., 33 init. Megara, in Sicily, founded from Thapsus, mother city of Selinus, vi. 4 init. ; depopulated by (}elo, ib.,ib. 94 init.; Lamachus wishes to make Megara the Athenian