Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/494

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486 INDEX Odrysians (con/.) — ii. 29 init. ; Sitalccs, their king, becomes the ally of the Athen- ians, ib. fin. ; his campaign against Perdiccas, ib. 95, 98-101 ; the greatness and wealth of his kingdom, ib. 96, 97. Odysseus, his passage through Charybdis, iv. 24 fin. Oeantheans, an Ozohan Locrian tribe, iii. loi fin. Ocneon, a town in Ozolian Locris, iii. 95 fin., 68 fin., 102 init. Oeniadae, in Acarnania, its situa- tion, ii. 102 init. ; hostile to the Athenians, ib. 82, 102 init., iii. 94 init. ; besieged by Pericles, i. 1 1 1 fin. ; attacked by Asopius, iii. 7 mod. ; the fugitives from Olpae find refuge there, ib. 114 med. ; compelled to enter the Athenian alliance, iv. 77 fin. Ocnoe, an Athenian fort on the Boeotian frontier, ii. 18 ;nit. ; unsuccessfully attacked by the Lacedaemonians, ib. 19 init. ; besieged by the Corinthians, viii. 98 ; betrayed to the Boeotians by Aristarchus, ib. Oenophyta, battle of, i. 108 med. [cp. iv. 95 fin.] Oenussae, islands before Chios, viii. 24 init. Oesyme, in Thrace, a Thasian colony, revolts from Athens, iv. 107 fin. Oetaeans, a people in Thessaly, iii. 92 init., viii. 3 init. Oligarchy, oligarchies quickly fall a victim to private ambition, viii. 89 fin. ; their cruelty and un- scrupulousness, ib. 48 fin. ; their selfishness, vi. 39 fin. ; the olig- archies everywhere hostile to Athens, i. 19 init., 76 init., 144 med.. iii. 47 med., 82 init. Olophyxus, in Acte, iv. 109 med. Olorus, father of Thucydidcs, iv. 104 fin. Olpae, a hill fort in Acarnania, iii. 105 init. ; battle of Olpae, ib. 106-109 j 'he Peloponnesians steal away from Olpae under truce with Demosthenes, ib. 1 1 1 ; destruction of the Ambraciot reinforcements on the way to Olpae, ib. no, 112, 113. Olpaeans, a people in Orolian Locris, iii. loi fin. Olympia, treasury at, i. 121 med., 143 init. ; — the Mytilenaean en- voi's meet the allies in council at Olympia, iii. 8 ; treaties in- scribed on pillars there, v. 18, xi ; 47 fin. ; — games at Olympia, i. 126 init., iii. 8, v. 49, 50; the trcatybetween Athens and Argos ordered to be renewed thirty days before the festival, v. 47 fin.; exclusion of the Lacedaemonians by the Eleans, ib. 49 ; — Olympic victors : Cylon, i. 126 init. ; Do- rieus, iii. 8 ; Androsthenes, v. 49 init. ; Lichas, ib. 50 med. ; — Olympic Truce, ib. 49 med. ; — Olympian Zeus, ib. 31 med., 50 init. Olympieum, temple near Sj-racuse, vi. 64 med., 65 fin., 70 fin., 75 init., vii. 4 fin., 37, 42 fin. Ol^'mpus, Mount, between Thes- saly and Macedonia, iv. 76 fin. Olynthus, in Chalcidice, its situa- tion, i. 63 med. ; the Chalcidians leave their towns on the coast and settle at, ib. 58 fin. ; battle of, ib. 62, 63 ; Ol^nthian rein- forcementsdecide an engagement before Spartolus, ii. 79 ; Brasidas sends the women and children from Mende and Scione to Ol3'n- thus. iv. 123 fin. ; the Oh'nthians exchange prisoners with the Athenians, v. 3 fin. ; provision respectingOIynthiis in theTreaty of Peace, ib. 18, § vi ; the Olyn- thians capture Mecyberna, ib. 39 init.