Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/496

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488 INDEX Paches {cont.) — 33 incd. ; captures Notium by treachery', ib. 34; reduces Pyrrha and Eresus, tb. 35 init. ; sends Salacthus captive to Athens with the most guilty of the Myti- lenacans, {b., ib. 50 init. ; receives orders to put to death all the grown up citizens of Mytilenc, ib. 36 ; a countermand reaches him in time to save the city, ib. 49 fin. Paean, confusion occasioned at Epipolae by the Doric Paeans of the Athenian allies, vii. 44 fin. Paeonians, subjects of Sitalces, ii. 96 med., 98 med. Pagondas, one of the Boeotarchs from Thebes, iv. 91 med. ; his speech to his soldiers, ib. 92 ; defeats the Athenians at Delium, ib. 93, 96. Palaereans, in Acarnania, Sollium given to them by the Athenians, ii. 30 init. Pale, in Cephallenia, ii. 30 fin. ; the Paleans furnish four ships to the Corinthians, i. 27 fin. Pallene, peninsula in Chalcidice, i. 56 init., 64, iv. 116 init., 120 init., 123 init., 129 init. ; its isthmus, i. 64 init., iv. 120 med. Pamillus colonises Selinus from Mcgara in Sicilj', vi. 4 init. Pamphylia, i. 100 init. Panactum, an Athenian fortress on the Boeotian border, betrayed to the Boeotians, v. 3 fin. ; ordered to be restored under the Treaty of Peace, ib. 18. § viii ; the Lace- daemonians promise to get it back for the Athenians, ib. 35 fin. ; they entreat the Boeotians to give it up to them, ib. 36 fin. ; the Boeotians demolish it, ib. 39 fin., 42 init. ; rage of the Athen- ians at its destruction, ib. 42 fin. ; the Lacedaemonians demand Pylos in return for Panactum, ib. 44 fin. ; the Athenians request the Lacedaemonians to rebuild and restore it, ib. 46 med. Panaeans, in Thrace, ii. loi med. Panaerus, a friend of Brasidas in Thessaly, iv. 78 init. Panathenaea, the Great, at Athens, v. 47 fin., vi. 56 mod. ; the Pan- athenaic procession, i. 20 fin., vi. 57 '»'t. Pancratium, Androsthencs victor in the, at Ol^mpia, v. 49 init. Pandion, king of Athens, ii. 29 init. Pangaeus, Mount, in Thrace, ii. 99 med. Panic, liability of great armies to panics, iv. 125 init., vii. 80 med. Panormus, in Achaia, ii. 86 med , 92 init. Panormus, in Milesian territor}', viii. 24 init. Panormus, in Sicily, a Phoenician settlement, vi. 2 fin. Pantacyas, a river in Sicily, vi, 4 init. Paralians, part of the Malians, iii. 92 init. Paralus, a district in Attica, ii. 55 init. Paralus, the Athenian sacred vessel, '•'• 33< 77 fin- i Ihe crew all free- men and ardent enemies of olig- archy, viii. 73 fin. ; assist the democratic revolution at Samos, ib. ; go to Athens, and are ill received by the oligarchs, ib. 74 ; sent to cruise ofi" Euboea, ib., ib. 86 fin. ; ordered to convey am- bassadors to Sparta, ib. 86 fin. ; mutiny and give up the ambas- sadors to the Argives, ib. ; come to Samos with Argive envoys, ib. Paravaeans, a people in Epirus, ii. 80 fin. Parnassus, Mount, in Phocis, iii. 95 'n't- Parnes, Mount, in Attica, ii. 23 init.