Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/508

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500 INDEX Samos {coni!) — sians, i. 115 init. ; revolt from Athens, i. 40 fin., 41 med., 115, viii. 76 med. ; arc defeated, i. 116 init. ; defeat the Athenians, ib. 117 init. ; surrender, ib. fin. ; Samian exiles settle at Anaea, iii. 19 fin., 32 init., iv. 75 med. ; Strombichides with an Athenian fleet sails to Samos, viii. 16, 17 init., 19 fin. ; the Samians revolt and establish a democracy, the Athenians grant them indepen- dence, ib. 21 ; Samos becomes the headquarters of the Athenian fleet, ib. 25 init., 27 fin., 30 init., 33 med., 35 med., 39 fin., 41 fin., 44 fin., 60 fin., 63 init., 79; the leading Athenians at Samos, in- stigated by Alcibiades, begin to jJot the overthrow of the de- mocracy, ib. 47-54, 63 fin. ; the Samians, with the aid of Athen- ian sailors, crush the revolution attempted by the oligarchs at Samos, ib. 73 ; the Samians unite with the Athenians against the Four Hundred, ib. ^^T] ; part of the Athenian fleet leaves Samo ; for the Hellespont, ib. 80 fin. ; the Athenians at Samos recall Alcibiades, ib. 81 init. ; Alcibiades at Samos, ib. 8r, 82; envoys from the Four Hundred come to Samos, ib. 86 init. ; the Argivcs offer aid, ib. fin. ; Alcib- iades leaves Samos to join Tis- saphernes, ib. 88 ; the Pelopon- nesians sailing for the Hellespont try to evade the Athenians at Samos, ib. 99 ; the Athenians pursue them from Samos, ib. 100; Alcibiades returns to Samos, ib. 108. Sandius, a hill in Caria, iii. 19 fin. Sane, an Andrian colony in Athos, iv. 109 med. ; provision respect- ing Sane, in the Treaty of Peace, V. 18, § vii. Sardis, i. 115 med. Sargeus, a Sicyonian commander at Syracuse, vii. 19 fin. Saronic Gulf, iii. 15 med., viii. 92 init. Scandca, in Cythcra, iv. 54. .Scellias, father of Aristocratcs, an Athenian, viii. 89 med. Scionc, founded bj' Pellenians re- turning from Troy, iv. 120 init.; revolts from Athens, ib. ; the Scionaeans crown Brasidas, ib. 121 init. ; the Athenians and Lacedaemonians disagree about Scione, ib. 122 ; the Athenians decree its destruction, ib. fin. ; the Athenians prepare to attack Scione, ib. 129 init. ; the Scion- aeans aid the Mendaeans, ib. med., 130 init. ; the Pelopon- nesian garrison of Mende flees to Scione, ib. 131 fin. ; Scione is invested, ib. 132 init., 133 fin. ; provisions respecting Scione in the Treaty of Peace, v. 18, §§ ix, X ; captured by the Athenians, the citizens slain, and the city given to the Platacans, ib. 32 init. Sciritis, a district of Laconia, v. 33 med. ; the Sciritae form the left wing of the Lacedaemonian army, ib. 67 init. ; present at the battle of Mantinea, ib. 68 med., 71 med., 72 med. Scironidcs, an Athenian com- mander, viii. 25 init. ; dismissed, 54 mod. Scirphondas, a Theban Boeotarch, vii. 30 fin. Scohis. in Chalcidicc, provision re- specting, ill the Treaty of Peace, v. 18, § vi. Scombrus, mountain in Thrace from which the Strymon rises, ii. 96fin. Scyllaeum, promontory near Troe- zen, v. 53 fin. Scyros, island of, subdued and colo- nised by the Athenians, i. 98 init.