Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/511

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INDEX 503 Sitalces (cont.) — Perdiccas, ib. 95-101 ; dies and is succeeded by Seuthcs, iv. loi fin. Six Hundred, the, the Council at Elis, V. 47 fin. Skill only to be acquired by in- cessant application, i. 142 fin., vi. 18 fin. ; inspires confidence, vi. 72 fin., vii. 67 init.; without courage useless, ii. 87 med. Slaves, more than twenty thousand Athenian slaves desert during the occupation of Decelea, vii. 27 fin.; great numbers of the Chian slaves, viii. 40 init. ; they desert to the Athenians, ib. mcd. Socrates, an Athenian commander, ii. 23 med. Sollium, belonging to Corinth, in Acarnania. taken by the Athen- ians, ii. 30 init. ; Demosthenes comes to Sollium on his way to Aetolia. iii. 95 med.; the Corin- thians complain that the Lace- daemonians did not recover Sollium for them, v. 30 med. Soloeis, a Phoenician settlement in Sicily, vi. 2 fin. Solygea, a village in the Corinthian territory, iv. 42, 43 ; Solygean ridge, a position once occupied by the Dorian invaders of Cor- inth, iv. 42 init. Soothsayers, see Prophets, Oracles. Sophocles, an Athenian com- mander, sent with reinforce- ments to Sicily, iii. 115 fin., iv. 2 med., 46 init. ; his conduct at Corcyra, iv. 47 ; condemned to exile, ib. 65 med. Sostratides, father of Sophocles , an Athenian, iii. 115 fin. Sparadocus, father of Seuthes, a Thracian, ii. loi fin., iv. loi fin. Sparta, see Lacedaeinun. Spartolus, in Botticd, defeat of the Athenians there, ii. 79 ; pro- vision respecting, in the Treaty of Peace, v. 18, § vi. VOL. II. Speeches, Thucydides only vouches for their general accuracy, i. 22 init. ; speech of Alcibiades at Athens, vi. 16-18; at Sparta, ib. 89-92 ; Archidamus (i), i. 80- 85, ^2) ii. ir ; the Athenians at Sparta, i. 73-78 ; Athenagoras, vi. 36-40; Brasidas at Acanthus, iv. 85 87 ; to his soldiers in Ma- cedonia, /6. 1 26 ; at Amphipolis, V. 9; Cleon, iii. 37-40; Corin- thians at Athens, i. 37-43 ; at Sparta (i), ib. 68-71, (2) ib. 120- 124 ; Corcyraeans, i. 32-36; De- mosthenes, iv. ID ; Diodotus, iii. 42-48 ; Euphemus, vi. 82-87 » Gylippus, vii. 66-68 ; Hermo- cratesat Gela, iv. 59-64 ; at Syra- cuse, vi. 33, 34 ; at Camarina, vi, 76-80 ; Hippocrates, iv, 95 ; the Lacedaemonian ambassadors, iv. 17-20 ; Mytilenaeans, iii. 9-14 ; Nicias at Athens (i), vi. 9-14, (2) ib. 20-23 ; at Syracuse (i), ib. 68, (2) vii. 61-64, 13' «*• 77 ; Pagondas, iv. 92 ; Peloponnesian commanders, ii. 87 ; Pericles (i), i. 140-144, (2) [funeral speech], ii. 35-46, (3) ib. 60-64 ; Phormio, ii. 89 ; Plataeans, iii. 53-59 ; Sthenelaidas, i. 86 ; The- bans,iii. 61-67 i Teutiaplus,iii. 30. Sphacleria, the island off Messenia, iv. 8 mcd. ; occupied by the Lace- daemonians, ib. ; blockaded by the Athenians, ib. 14 fin., 26; suc- cessful attack upon, ib. 31-39 ; restoration of the prisoners taken in, V. 24 fin. ; their treatment at Sparta, ib. 34 fin. ; the surrender of Sphacteria the severest blow Sparta iiad ever experienced, ib. 14 med. Stages, a lieutenant of Tissa- phernes, viii. 16 fin. Slagirus, in Chalcidice, an An- drian colony, iv. 88 fin. ; revolts from Athens, ib. ; unsuccessfully attacked by the Athenians, v. 6 l1