Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/516

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5o8 INDEX Themistocles (coni.) — cised, ib. 135 init. ; implicated in the plot of Pausanias, ib. ; takes refuge with Admetus, ib. 136 ; flees to Ephesus, ib. 137 init. ; goes to the Persian court, ib. 138 ; dies, ib. fin. ; said to have been buried in Attica, ib. ; his character, ib. med. Theodorus, father of Procles, an Athenian, iii. 91 init. Theolytus,father of Cynes [tyrant?] of Coronta, ii. 102 init. Theori, a magistrac}' at Mantinea, V. 47 fin. ; Alcibiades as Qfoipui of Athens at Olympia, vi. 16 init.; the Athenians send Theori to the Isthmian Games, viii. 10 init. ; Sicilian Theori before sailing sacrifice to Apollo at Naxos, vi. 3 init- Thera, one of the Cyclades, not allied to the Athenians, ii. 9 fin. Theramenes, an Athenian, a chief leader in the oligarchical revolu- tion at Athens, viii. 68 fin. ; begins with others to form a moderate party within the oligarch^', ib. 89. 90 med., 91 ; instigates the soldiers to destroy the fort Eetionea, ib. 92, 94 init. Theramenes, a Lacedaemonian commander, brings reinforce- ments to Astyochus, viii. 26 init., 29 med. ; persuaded by Alcib- iades to go to the relief of Miletus, ib. 26 fin., 27 init., 28 init. ; negotiates a treaty with the King, ib. 36, 37, 43 med. ; lost at sea, ib. 38 init. Therme, in Macedonia, taken by the Athenians, i. 61 med. ; re- stored to Perdiccas, ii. 29 fin. Thermon, a Spartan, sent by Agis to Piraeum, viii. 11 med. Thermop3'lae, ii. lor init., iii. 92 fin. ; battle of Thermopylae compared to that of Sphacteria, iv. 36 fin. Theseus, unites the Attic communes into one city, ii. 15 init. ; temple of, at Athens, vi. 61 med. Thespiae, in Boeotia, iv. 76 init. ; the Thespians on the left wing at Delium, ib. 93 fin. ; suff'er severe loss, ib. 96 med., 133 init. ; have their walls dismantled by the Thebans, ib. 133 init. ; popular revolution there, quelled by the Thebans, vi. 95 fin. ; the Thesp- ians send aid to Syracuse, vii. 19 init., 25 med. Thesprotia, i 30 fin., 46 med., 50 med. ; the Thesprotians have no king, ii. 80 fin. . Thessal^', its early history, i. 12 med. ; once held by the Pers- ians, viii. 43 fin. ; forms alliance with the Athenians, i. 102 fin. [cp. ib. 107 fin., iv. 78 med.] ; the Thessalians desert from the Athenians at Tanagra, i. 107 fin. ; assist the Athenians in the first invasion of Attica, ii. 22 med.; take alarm at the expedi- tion of Si takes, ib. loi med. ; make war on Heraclea, iii. 93 med. ; some of the leading Thes- salians escort Brasidas through Thessaly, iv. 78 ; the Thes- salians refuse Rhamphias and the Peloponnesians passage, v. 13 ; certain Thessalians aid in a defeat of the Heracleans, ib. 51 init. ; the Thessalians angry with Agis for extorting money from the Achaeans of Phthia, viii. 3 med. Thessalus, brother of Hippias, i. 20 med., vi. 55 init. Thoricus, in Attica, viii. 95 init. Thousand Argives, the, a select force trained at the expense of the state, v. 67 fin., 72 med., 73 fin. Thrace, f'uropean, divided among various tribes : Agrianians, ii. 96 med. ; Dersaeans, /■. 101 med. ;