Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/69

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81-83] BRASIDAS AND PERDICCAS 61 and moderation in his behaviour to the cities, which in- duced most of them to revolt, while others were betrayed into his hands. Thus the Lacedaemonians were able to lighten the pressure of war upon Peloponnesus; and when short!}' afterwards they desired to negotiate, they had places to give in return for what they sought to recover. And at a later period of the war, after the Sicilian ex- pedition, the honesty and ability of Brasidas which some had experienced, and of which others had heard the fame, mainly attracted the Athenian allies to the Lacedaemo- nians. '^ For he was the first Spartan who had gone out to them, and he proved himself^' to be in every way a good man. Thus he left in their minds a firm conviction that the others would be like him. The Athenians, hearing of the arrival of Brasidas in 82 Chalcidice, and believing that Perdiccas yy,^ Athenians de- was the instigator of the expedition, dare Perdiccas an declared war against the latter and ^"^"'y- kept a closer watch over their allies in that region. Perdiccas, at once uniting the soldiers of Brasidas with 83 his own forces, made war upon Arrhi- The alliance betzveen baeus the son of Bromerus, king of the ^■^/'^'^^ andBrasidas 1 . .... t r soon begins to cool. Lyncestians, a neighbourmg people of i)i^p„t, about Arrhi- Macedonia ; for he had a quarrel with baeus. him and wanted to subdue him. But when he and Brasidas and the army arrived at the pass leading into Lyncus, Brasidas said that before appealing to arms he should like to try in person the effect of negotiations, and see if he could not make Arrhibaeus an ally of the Lacedaemonians. He was partly influenced by messages which came from Arrhibaeus expressing his willingness to submit any matter in dispute to the arbitration of Brasidas : and the Chalcidian ambassadors who accompanied the expedition recommended him not to remove from Perdiccas* path all " Or, Liking rrf.wTos closely with So^ny : ' For of all the Spartans who had been sent out, he was the first who proved himself,' Sec.