Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/95

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117, 11 8] TERMS OF TRUCE 87 measures for the detection of evil-doers, both you and we, according to our ancestral customs, and any one else who will, according to his ancestral customs, proceeding always with right and equity. Thus it seems good to the Lace- daemonians and their allies in respect of these matters. 'III. It further seems good to the Lacedaemonians and their allies that, if the Athenians consent to a truce, either party shall remain within his own territory, retaining what he has. The Athenians at Coryphasium shall keep between Buphras and Tomeus. They shall remain at Cythera", but shall not communicate with the Lacedaemonian confederacy, neither we with them nor they with us. The Athenians who are in Nisaea ^ and Minoa ^ shall not cross the road which leads from the gates of the shrine of Nisus to the temple of Poseidon, and from the temple of Poseidon goes direct to the bridge leading to Minoa ; neither shall the Megar- ians and their allies cross this road ; the Athenians shall hold the island which they have taken, neither party com- municating with the other. They shall also hold what they now hold near Troezen'^', according to the agreement concluded between the Athenians and Troezenians. ' IV, At sea the Lacedaemonians and their allies may sail along their own coasts and the coasts of the con- federacy, not in ships of war, but in any other rowing vessel whose burden does not exceed five hundred talents ^. ' V. There shall be a safe-conduct both by sea and land for a herald, with envoys and any number of attendants which may be agreed upon, passing to and fro between Peloponnesus and Athens, to make arrangements about the termination of the war and about the arbitration of disputed points. 'VI. While the truce lasts, neither party, neither we nor you, shall receive deserters, either bond or free.

  • Cp. iv. 53, 54. *> Cp. iv. 69. c Cp. iii. 51. Cp. iv. 45.

" About 12 tons. VOL. II. H