Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/98

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90 EFFECT OF THE TRUCE LW CHALCIDICE [iv as defenceless as if they had been islanders, they had taken the side of liberty unbidden. They were not such cowards as to wait until they were compelled to do what was obviously for their own interest ; and this was a suffi- cient proof that they would endure like men any hardships, however great, if only their aspirations could be realised. He should reckon them the truest and most loyal friends of the Lacedaemonians, and pay them the highest honour. 121 The Scionaeans were inspirited by his words ; and one ,, , . and all, even those who had previously Honours shoivcrcd ' ^ •' oMBmsidas. Henttas been against the movement, took cour- inio coiniitiiiitca/ioit age and determined to bear cheerfully 7al ^^""^' "'"^ ^'" ^^^ burdens of the war. They received Brasidas with honour, and in the name of the city crowned him with a golden crown as the liberator of Hellas ; many too, in token of their personal admiration, placed garlands on his head, and congratulated him, as if he had been a victor in the games. For the present he left a small garrison with them and returned, but soon afterwards again crossed the sea with a larger army, being desirous, now that he had the help of the Scionaeans, to attempt Mcnde and Potidaea ; he made sure that the Athenians would follow him with their ships to Pallenc, which they would consider an island ; and he wished to anticipate them. Moreover he had entered into negotiations with these cities, and had some hope of their being betrayed to him. 122 But before he had executed his intentions, a trireme arrived conveying the ambassadors McaiiwhUe he is . ^ , , i • .i ^ / AA ^ . / •■ .A., who went round to proclaun the truce, slopped in Ins career by r ' iheaiinoHHccmcnio/iiie Aristonymus from Athens, and Athen- truce, which had really ^eus from Lacedaemon. His army been made before the . . i . t^ • j ^u » rez'olt o/Scio,,e. Bra- ^hen returned to Torone, and the truce sidas re/uses to give the was formally announced to him. All flare up. Futy of the ^^^ allies of the Laccdacmonians in Chalcidice agreed to the terms. Arist- on3'mus the Athenian assented generally, but finding on