CHAPTER I. PAGE - Trees, Exogenous species—Forms of stems—Direction of branches—Heart-wood—Sap-wood—Bark—Pith—Medullary rays—Ascent and descent of sap—Cambium—Lignine—Annual layers, &c
3 CHAPTER II. - Annual layers at top and butt of trees—Boabab—Cedars of Lebanon—Sizes and ages of trees—Rate of growth—Position of maximum strength—Signs when past maturity—Foxiness—Stag-headed—Natural seasoning—-Proper time for felling, &c
13 CHAPTER III. - Trees, hedge-grown—Copse-grown—Effects of variety of soil—Influence on water supply—Form when young—Pith, snake-like, &c
22. CHAPTER IV. - Defects—Heart-shake—Woods affected—In Teak attributed to ringing or girdling—Common to Exogenous species—Various forms of, &c.
26 CHAPTER V. - Defects—Star-shake—External evidence of—Trees most frequent in—Cup-shake—Varieties of—Occur in sound trees—to some extent local, &c.
30 CHAPTER VI. - Annual layers of irregular growth—Departure from natural colour—Spots—Swellings—Removal of branches—Broken branches—Mode of pruning—Druxy knot—Rindgall—How to select timber, spars, planks, deals, &c.