Page:Tippling farmer (1).pdf/3

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[ 3 ]

                         T H E  B Y E S T A N D E R.

                    LOOK fairly all the world around,
                       and as you truth deliver,
                    Tell me what character is found
                      a real favoir vivre?
                    Who truly merits ſober fame,
                      to find you need not wander,
                    None can detect life's fraudful game,
                      ſo well as the Byeſtander.
                    The lover cogs, and palms, and flips,
                      the eaſy fair as buſſle,
                    And ſtill to win that ſtake, her lips,
                      will deal, and cut, and ſhuffle;
                    Still will he ply each ſubtle art,
                      till he has quite trapann'd her,
                    And then is ſure to trump her heart,
                      if abſent the Byeſtander.
                    Preferment is a bowling green,
                      where, plac'd in each poſition,
                    Bowls joſtling in and out are ſeen,
                      to reach the jack, ambition;
                    The bias intereſt till they try,
                      twiſt, turn, and well meander,
                    Yet their maneouvers, rub or fly,.
                      are known to the Byeſtander.
                    The law's a game of whiſt, wherein,
                      the parties nine are both in,
                    Where tricks alone the game can win,
                      and honours go for nothing:
                    And whilſt they a vure game do nick,
                      their client's money ſquander,
                    Full many more than one odd trick
                      diſcovers the Byeſtander.