From contact with their worthless charms, whose charms to all are free,
The men with sense of good and lofty wisdom blest will flee.
From touch of those who worthless charms, with wanton arts, display,
The men who would their own true good maintain will turn away.
Who cherish alien thoughts while folding in their feigned embrace,
These none approach save those devoid of virtue's grace.
As demoness who lures to ruin, woman's treacherous love
To men devoid of wisdom's searching power will prove.
The wanton's tender arm, with gleaming jewels decked,
Is hell, where sink degraded souls of men abject.
Women of double minds, strong drink, and dice: to these giv'n o'er
Are those on whom the light of Fortune shines no more.
Who love the palm's intoxicating juice, each day,
No rev'rence they command, their glory fades away.
Drink not inebriating draught. Let him count well the cost
Who drinks. By drinking, all good men's esteem is lost.