Proclamations Proc. 7274 MODIFICATIONS TO THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after March 1,2000, subchapter Ill of chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is modified by inserting in numerical sequence the following new U.S. note, subheadings and superior text thereto, with the language inserted in the columns entitled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", "Rates of Duty 1 -General", "Rates of Duty 1-Special", and "Rates of Duty 2", respectively. "10. For purposes of subhead ngs 9903,72.20 through 9903.72.25, inclusive, except as provided in this note, the term \177e. shall include (notwithstanding the provisions of other legal notes to the tadff schedule) welded "carbon quali\276 line pipe of circular c\177oss secaon, of a kind used for oil and gas pipelines, whether or not stencilled, except as provided below. The term "carbon quali\276 applies to producte in which (i) iron predominates, by weight, over each of the other contained elemente, (ii) the carbon content is 2 percent or less, by weight, and (iiJ) none of the elements listed below exceeds the quantity by weight, respectively indicated: -- 1.80 percent or more of manganese, or -- 2.25 percent of silicon, or -- 1.00 percent of copper, or -- 0.50 percent Or taes of aluminum, or -- 1.25 percent of chromium, or - 0.30 percent of cobalt, or - 0.40 percent of lead, or - 1.25 percent of nickel, or - 0.30 percent of tungsten, or - 0.10 percent of molybdenum, or - 0.10 percent of niobium, or - 0.15 percent of vanadium, or - 0.15 percent of zirconlure. The term "line pipe" does not incJude goods commonly described in commercial usage as arctic grade line pipe and defined as welded line pipe that- (a) has an outside diameter of 114.3 mm or more and a wall thickness equal to or less than 19.05 ram; (b) when subjected to a Charpy V-notch test performed at minus 45.6 degrees Celsius or below applied to three specimens taken from the weld area, has a joules rating of no less than 23.05 joules for each sample, with an average for all three at no less than 25.76 joules; (c) using at least three samples, has a minimum average shear area of 85 percent in the base metal and 50 percent in the weld; and (d) when subjected to a hydrogen induced crackthg test to be performed as provided by National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) TM0284 test with so[ufion A, has a c\177"ack tangth ratio that does not exceed 15 percent, a c\177'a ck sensibility ratio that does not exceed 2 percent, and a c\177"ack thickness ratio that does not exceed 5 percent." \177 : Welded line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, of iron or
- steel, as defined in note 10 to this subchapter (provided for in
- subheadings 7306.10.10 and 7306.10.50), all the foregoing
- except products of Canada or of Mexico:
If entered during the period from March 1, 2000, through February 28, 2001, inclusive: 9903.72.20 in aggregate quantities from each supplying count\177, not in excess of 8.164,663 kg, the foregoing the product of such country .................................................. : No change : No change No change 9903.72.21 Other .............................................................................. : The rate : The rate provided in provided in the Rates of: the Rates of Duty1 : Duty2 General : column subcolumn for the for the : applicabte applicable : subheading subheading: (7306.10.10
- (7306.10.10: or
- or : 7306.10.50)
- 7306.10.50) +29%