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Page:Title 3 CFR 2000 Compilation.djvu/447

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Index ADA Month, Spirit of the (Proc. 7327) Adoption Month, National (Proc. 7371) Adults With Disabilities, National Task Force on Employment of; amendment (E.G. 13172) Afghanistan Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) Taliban; state of emergency (Notice of June 30, p. 393) Africa Sub-Saharan Access to HIV/AIDS pharma- ceuticals and technologies (E.O. 13155) Modification of duty-free treatment (Proc. 7388) Trade act implementation (Proc. 7350) African American History Month, Na- tional (Proc. 7270) Afterschool Week (Proc. 7353) Agua Fria National Monument; estab- lishment (Proc. 7263) Air Traffic Organization; establishment (E.G. 13180) Albania; normal trade relations (Proc. 7326) America Goes Back to School (Proc. 7336) America Recycles Day (Proc. 7377) American Indian Heritage Month, Na- tional (Proc. 7372) American Red Cross Month (Proc. 7278) Angola, National Union for the Total Independence of (UNITA); state of emergency (Notice of Sept. 22, p. 401) Armed Forces, U.S. Army, U.S.; 225th anniversary (Proc. 7322) Death of servicemembers aboard the U.S.S. Cole (Procs. 7362, 7364) Kosovo Campaign Medal; establish- ment (E.G. 13154) Military Selective Service Act; reg- istration (Proc. 7275) Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (Proc. 7299) B Bahamas; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Belarus Normal trade relations (Presidential Determination No. 00-22, p. 391) Suspension of duty-free treatment (Proc. 7328) Bill of Rights Day (Proc. 7386) Biotechnology Month, National (Proc. 7269) Bolivia; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Botswana; disaster assistance (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-17, p. 385) Brazil; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Na- tional (Proc. 7346) Burma Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) State of emergency (Notice of May 18, p. 388) U.S. policy (Memorandums of Apr. 19, p. 387; Oct. 31, p. 406) Business and industry Disadvantaged businesses; increasing Federal contracting opportunity and access (E.G. 13170) Small business exporters and dis- located workers; Federal assistance (E.G. 13169) C California Coastal National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7264) Cambodia; narcotics control (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Cancer Control Month (Proc. 7284) Canyons of the Ancients National Monu- ment; establishment (Proc. 7317) 447