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Page:Title 3 CFR 2000 Compilation.djvu/454

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Title 3--The President Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 7387) Steel wire rod; imports (Memorandum of February 16, p. 351; Proc. 7273) Sudan; state of emergency (Notice of Oct. 31, p. 407) T Taiwan Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) Transfer of obsolete or surplus defense articles (Memorandum of Tuly 5, p. 394) Taliban; state of emergency (Notice of Tune 30, p. 393) Terrorism; assessment of increased risk associated with release of risk-manage- ment plans relating to flammable fuels (Memorandum of Tan. 27, p. 346) Terrorist-list states; waiver of blocked property provisions (Presidential De- termination No. 01-03, p. 405) Thailand; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Thanksgiving Day (Proc. 7381) Trade (See also specific commodity or country) Export control regulations; continu- ation of emergency (Notice of Aug. 3, p. 397) Generalized System of Preferences; modification of duty-free treatment (Procs. 7325, 7383) Trading With the Enemy Act; exten- sion of authorities (Presidential De- termination No. 00-29, p. 399) Trade Week, World (Proc. 7310) Transportation Week, National (Proc. 7308) Tunisia; military drawdown (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-33, p. 404) Turkey; nuclear energy agreement with U.S. (Presidential Determination No. 00-26, p. 395) Venezuela; narcotics control (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Vermilion Cliffs National Monument; es- tablishment (Proc. 7374) Veterans Day (Proc. 7375) Vietnam Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) Normal trade relations (Presidential Determination No. 00-21, p. 391) Prisoners of War/Missing in Action; cooperation in accounting (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-14, p. 355) Vision Week, Save Your (Proc. 7280) Volunteer Week, National (Proc. 7287) W Weapons of mass destruction; continu- ation of emergency (Notice of Nov. 9, p. 408) Wheat gluten; imports (Proc. 7314) White Cane Safety Day (Proc. 7367) Women-owned small businesses; in- creasing Federal contracting opportu- nities (E.G. 13157) Women's Equality Day (Proc. 7334) Women's History Month (Proc. 7277) Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy, Com- mission on; establishment (E.G. 13174) World AIDS Day (Proc. 7382) Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 7387) Young People and Gun Violence, Na- tional Day of Concern About (Proc. 7368) UNITA; state of emergency (Notice of Sept. 22, p. 401) United Nations Day (Proc. 7369) Zimbabwe; disaster assistance (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-17, p. 385) 454