Chap. I II III IV v vI vii viii IX x xI xIII xIv xv xvI xvII xvIII xxvI xxvII xxvIII xxIx xxx xxxI xxxII Title 7\177Agriculture\177Continued Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Mar- keting' Practices), Department of Agriculture (Parts 27--209) Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 210--299) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Ag- riculture (Parts 300499) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499) Agricultural l\177esearch Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 500-599) Natural l\177esources Conservation Service, Department of Agri- culture (Parts 600--699) Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 700- 799) Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (Fed- eral Grain Inspection Service), Department of Agriculture (Parts 800-899) Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Or- ders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture (Parts 900-999) Agricultural Marketing' Service (Marketing' Agreements and Or- ders; Milk), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1000--1199) Agricultural Marketing' Service (Marketing' Agreements and Or- ders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1200--1299) Northeast Dairy Compact Commission (Parts 1300--1399) Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1400--1499) Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1500-1599) Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1600-- 1699) Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1700- 1799) l\177ural Housing Service, l\177ural Business-Cooperative Service, l\177ural Utilities Service, and Farm Service Agency, Depart- ment of Agriculture (Parts 1800--2099) Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2600-2699) Office of Information l\177esources Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2700--2799) Office of Operations, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2800- 2899) Office of Energy, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2900-2999) Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3000\1773099) Office of Environmental Quality, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3100\1773199) Office of Procurement and Property Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3200-3299) 459