Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations SystemsContinued 24 Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400-- 2499) 25 National Science Foundation (Parts 2500-2599) 28 Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899) 29 Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999) 34 Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (Parts 3400- 3499) 35 Panama Canal Commission (Parts 3500-3599) 44 Federal Emergency Management Agency (Parts 4400-4499) 51 Department of the Army Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5100-- 5199) 52 Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5200-- 5299) 53 Department of the Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (Parts 5300\1775399) 54 Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Part 5452) 57 African Development Foundation (Parts 5700\1775799) 61 General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals (Parts 6100--6199) 63 Department of Transportation Board of Contract Appeals (Parts 6300-6399) 99 Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procure- ment Policy, Office of Management and Budget (Parts 9900-- 9999) Title 49--Transportation SUBTITLE A--OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION (PARTS 1--99) SUBTITLE B--OTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION I Research and Special Programs Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 100--199) II Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200-299) III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 300499) IV Coast Guard, Department of Transportation (Parts 400499) V National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 500\177599) VI Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 600-699) VII National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) (Parts 700--799) VIII National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800--999) X Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation (Parts 1000--1399) XI Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Department of Transpor- tation (Parts 1400--1499) 472