Proc. 7870 Title 3--The President 3 (b) The following new note and TCRs are inserted immodiately below such existing TCR 7 to chapter 21, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note.' The following TCRs 7 through 7A, til\275lusiv\275, apply only to goods of Canada under the terms of this note:. 7. A change to subheading 2103.30 from any other chapter, 7A. (A) A chlmge to mixed gondim\177nls or mixed seasunJ.\177gs of anbheading 2103.90 f\177mn yan\177 of subheadings 2102.10 or 2102.20 or an y other chapter;, or (B) A change to any other good of subheading 2103.90 from any other chapter." 5(a). The following language is inserted immediately after the expression "Chapter 7 I." to appear on the line immediately below such expression: "Note: The following TCR 1 applies only to goods of Mexico uader the terms of this note:". (b). The following n\177w note and TCRs are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 1, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Nora: The following TCRs I through 1 G, inclusive, apply only to goods of Canada under the terms of \177 note: i. A change to headings 7101 through 7105 from any other chapter, I A. (A) A change to subheadings 7106, ! 0 through 7106,92 from any other subheading, including another anbheading within that group; or (B) No r\177quir\177 change in tariff classification to subheading 7106.91, whether or not there is also a ch\177go another subheading, providad that the nonoriginating materials undergo clcatrolyfic, thermal or chemical s\177aration or \17711oying, 1B. A chal\177ge to heading 7107 from any other chapter. 1C. (A) A change to subheadings 710g. 11 through 710g,20 from any other subheading. including another subheading within that group; or (B) No required vhang\275 in tariff classification to subheading 710g. 12, whether or not there is also a change from \177other subheading, provided fluit the nonoriginating materials undergo electsulyIic, thermal or chemical separation or alloytog. 1D. A chaagc to heading 7109 from any other chapter. lB, A changc to subheadings 7110.11 through 7110.49 from a\177y other subheading, including another subheading within that group. IF. A change to handing 7111 from any other chapter, IG. A change to heading 7112 bum any other heading." 6(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR g to chaptcr g$: "Note: The following TCR 5 applies only to goods of Mexico urtder the terms of this note:".