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Page:Title 3 CFR 2005 Compilation.djvu/29

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Proc. 7870 Title 3--The President 5 "Note: The following TCRs 17 throush 18, inclusive, apply m\177ly to goods of Caaada under the t\177w.s o\234this note: 17, (A) A cha.nge to subhandings 8509,10 through 8509.30 from \177y subheadins outside that gsenp, except from heading 8501 or tariffitems 8509.90.05, 8509.90.25 or 8509.90.45; or (B) A change to subheadings 8509.10 through 8509.30 flora heading 8501 or L\177iff items 8509.90.05, 8509.90.25 or 8509.90.45, whether or not there is also a change from any subheading outside that gsoup, provided there is a regio,aal value content of not lass'than: (I) 60 i\177tcant where the transaction valua method is used, or (2) 50 pareant where the nat cost method is used. 18 A change to subheadings 8509.40 ticrough 8509.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group." 10(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 32 to chapter gS: "Note: The following TCRs 32 through 43 apply only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note\177". lb). The following new note and TCR are inserted iramediately below such existing TCR 43, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: \177Nete: Tile following TCR 32 applies only to gaods of Canada under the tem\177 of this note: 32. A change to stthhe.\177lngs 8516.10 th\177oogh 8516.80 from any other subheading, including another subheadlag within that group-" 1 l(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 65 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCRs 65 through 67 apply only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this lb). The following n\177v note and TCR are insexted immediately below such existing TCR 67, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Nete: The following TCR 65 apph\275s only to goods of Canada under the terms of this unt\275: 65. (A) A change to subheadings 8518.10 through 8518.29 from any other heMing; or lB) A change to a good of any of subheadings 8518.10 lhtough 8518.29 from within dam subheading or any other subheading within heading 8518, incinthn$ at&other subheading within that group, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, \177'ovided there is a r\177giunal value content of not less than: (1) 30 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2) 25 p\177:\275nt wher\177 the net cost n\177hod is used." 12(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 71 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR 71 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:".