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Page:Title 3 CFR 2005 Compilation.djvu/32

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Proclamations Proc. 7870 $ 12, (A) A change to subheading 8506.90 fxom any other heading, \177nccpt from tariff items 8548.10.05 or 8548.10.15; (B) I\177o requited chan$o in tariff classification to subheading 8506.90, provided ther\177 is a regional value content of not less than: (1) 60 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2) 50 percoat where the nct ceat metbed is usod," 18(a). The \234ollowing language is inserted immediately above TCR 14 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR. 14 applies only to goods of Mexico under the tcn\177s of this note:". (b). The following new note and TCR. are inserted immediately bcJow such existing TCR 14, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 14 applies only to goods of Canada ander the tem',s of this note: 14. (A) A change to subheading 8507.90 from any other heading, except from tari ffltc'lv\177 8548.10.05 or 8548.10.15; or (B) l\177o reqalted change ir\177 tariff classification to subhcodthg 8507.90, providod there is a r\177gional value contant of not less than: (1) 60 percent where the transactio\177x value teathod is used, or (2) 50 I\177rccnt where the net cost method is used." 19(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCE. 19 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR. 19 applies only to goods o\234Mexico under the terms of this noto:". Co). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 19, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 19 applies only to goods of Canada under the te\177rtr\177 o\234 this note: ! 9. (A) A change to subheading 8509.90 from an), other hb. ading\177 or (\177l) No required change in tariff classification to subhcadthg 8509.90, provided there is a regional vaJuc content of not less than: (I} 60 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2) 50 gerccat where the net cost method is used." 20(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR. 23 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR 23 applies only to goods o\234 Mexico under the terms of this note:", (b). The following new note and TCP, are inserted imme\177atclybelow such existing TCR 23, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: