Proclamations Proc. 7870 lO "Nute: Th\177 following TCR 64 applies only to goods of Canada und\177 the terms of this note: 64. (A) A change to subheadlng 8517.90 from any other hoading; or (B) No requized change in ta\177ff classification to subheading 8517.90, provided there is a regional value content of not loss than: (1) 60 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2) 50 percent whea'e the n\177t cost method is u.\177l." 24(a). The fnllowing language is inserted immediately above TCR 93 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR 93 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". (b). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 93, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 93 applies only to goods of Canada trader the tonm of this note: 93. (A) A change to subheading 8529.10 f\177om any other heading; or (B) No required change in tariff clessification to subheading 8529.10, provided thr\177-e is a regional value conte\177t of not lea than: (1) 60 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2) 50 percent wh\177m the n\177t cost method i$ usod." 25(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 101 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR 101 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this not\177:". (b). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 101, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 101 applies only to goods of Canada under the terms of this note: lO1. (A) A change to gabheading 8529.90 from any other heading; or' (B) No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8529.90, provided there is a rcg/onal value content of not less than: ( 1 ) 60 pereertt whei\177 the transaction valuo rncthod is used, or (2) 50 percent where the net cost method is used." 26(a). The following language is inserted immed/atelyabove TCR 103 to chapter 85: The following TCR 103 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". (b). Thc following new note and TCR arc inserted immediatclybelow such existing TCR 103, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: 21