Proc. 7870 Title 3--The President 13 "Note The following TCR 141 applies only to goods of Canada undo' the terms of this note: 141. (A) A change to subheading 8540.99 from any otho' heading; or (B) No required change in tariff c[azsificalion to subheading 8540.99, provided the, re is a regional value cuntunt (1 } 60 p\177rcent where the \177i'unsantion value method is used, or (2) 50 percent where the net cost method is used." 33(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 146 to chapter 85: "Note: The following TCR 146 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". CO}. The following new note and TCR are inserted hnmodiat\177ly below such existing TCR 146, now applicable only to goods of Mexiqo: "Note: The following TCR 146 applies only to goods of Canada under the terms of thia note: 146. (A) A change to subheading 8543.90 from any other heading; or (B) No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8543,90, provided there is a mgiunal value content (I} 60 percent where the transaction value method is used, or (2} 50 percent where the net cost method is uaed." 34(a). The following language is inserted immed/ately above TCR 9 to chapter 90: "Note: The following TCR 9 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:", (b), The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 9, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 9 applies only to goods of Canada under the terms of this note: 9. (A) A change to subheading 9005.90 from any other heading; or (B) No required change in tariff classification to subheading 9005.90, provided there is a regional value content (1) 60 po.cent who'e the trimsaction value m\177ed is used, or (2) .sO I\177rCent where the net cost ngthed is used." 35(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 11 to chapter 90: "Note: The following TCR 1 l applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". Co). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 11, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: 24