Proclamations Proc. 7870 ]6 "Note: The following TCR 56 applies only to goads of Carreda under the tetra of this nota: 56, (A) A \177hange to subh\177dJng 9024.90 f\177rom any other heading; or (B) No m:luired change in tariff classification to subheading 9024.90, provided there is a regional value content of not le\177s than: ( 1 ) 60 percent where the transaction value racthod is use\177 or (2) 50 percent where the net cost method is used." 42(a). The following language is inserted imraediate, ly above TCR 60 to chapter 90: "Note: The following TCR 60 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". (b). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 60, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: "Note: The following TCR 60 applir, s only to goods of Canoda under the tom.* of this note: 60. (A) A change to subheading 9026.90 flora any erbar heading; or (B) NO required change in tariff clsssificatloo to subheading 9026.90, provided there is a regional value content of not less than: ( 1 ) 60 percent whore the transaction value m*thod is mlec\177 or (2) 50 percent where the n\177 en\177t method is used." 43(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 64 to chapter 90: "Note: The following TCR 64 applies only to goods of Mexico under the terms of this note:". (b). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 64, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: \337 "Note: The following TCR 64 \177pplias only to goods of Canada under the to'ms of this note: 64. (A) A change to subheading 9027.90 from \177ny other headthe; or (B) No required change in tariff\275la\177sifieafion to subheading 9027.90, provided there is a regional value content of not less than: ( 1 ) 60 percent where the trimsaction value method is used, or (2) 50 percent whore the net cost m\177t. hod is used." 44(a). The following language is inserted immediately above TCR 68 to chapter 90: "Note: The following TCR 68 applies only to goods of Mexico under the t\177rms of this note:". Co). The following new note and TCR are inserted immediately below such existing TCR 68, now applicable only to goods of Mexico: 27