Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/23

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Proclamations Proc. 8114 NO preferential treatment shall be provided under this subdivision after the close of December 19, (h) In the case of apparel articles classifiable in chapter 62 of the tariff schedule (other than articles classifiable in subheading 6212.10), as in effect on December 20, 2006, that do not qualify for preferential treatment under subdivision (c) of this note because they do not meet the percentage requirements under subdivision (c), (d), (e)(i) or (e)(ii) of this note, the preferential treatment under subdivision (c) or (e)-o (i) shall be extended, in addition to the quantities permitted under subdivision (g) to-- (A) not more than 50,000,000 square meter equivalents of such apparel articles during the applicable l-year period from December 20, 2006 through December 19, 2007; (B) not more than 50,000,000 square meter equivalents of such apparel articles during the applicable 1-year period from December 20, 2007 through December 19, 2008; and (C) not more than 33,500,000 square meter equivalents during the applicable 1-year period from December 20, 2008 through December I9, 2009; and (ii) may not be extended to such apparel articles alier the close of December 19, 2009. (i) The preferential treatment provided under heading 9820.62.12 shall be extended to any article classifiable in subheading 6212.10 of the tariff schedule, if the article is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in Haiti or the United States, or both, without regard to the source of the fabric or components from which the article is made, and if Haiti has met the requirements of 213A(d) and (e) of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (19 U.S.C. 2703A(d) and (e)), subject to the limitations provided in subdivision (g) of this note." 3. The following new headings are inserted in numerical sequence: "9820.61.25 : Apparel articles (other than goods described in heading : : :

9820.61.30 or 9820.62.05) described in U.S. note : : :
6(c) to this subchapter and imported directly from : : :
Haiti during an applicable 1-year period specified : : :
in U.S. note 6(b)(ii) to this subchapter, subject to lhe : : :
limitations provided in U.S. note 6(g) to this subchapter...: : Free :

9820.61.30 : Apparel articles (other than goods described in heading : : :

9820.6t.25 or 9820.62.05) described in US. note ': : :
6(e) to this subchapter and imported directly from : : :
Haiti during an applicable l-year period specified : : :
in U.S. note 6(b)(ii) to this subchapter, subject to the : : :
limitations provided in U.S. note 6(g) to this subchapter...: Free :

9820.62.05 : Apparel articles of chapter 62 1o lhe tariff schedule, : : :

under the terms of U.S. note 6(h) to this subchapter, : : :

' the foregoing imported directly from Haiti during an : : :

1-year period specified in U.S. note 6Co)(ii) to this : : :
subchapter in an aggregate quantity not to exceed the : : :
quantity specified in such U.S. note 6(h) ........................... : Free :