Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/27

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Proclamations Proc. 8114

lAppatti...:] :

9819.15,18 Of the second fabric or yarn which the United : States lntemational Trade Commission is : produced in beneficiary sub-Saharen Afric,\177 : countries is available in commercial quantities : for us\177 by lesser-developed Saharen Africa : and specified in a notice published in the : Federal Register .................................................. : Free 9819.15.21 Of the third fabric or ),ism which the United States International Trade Commission is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan Aft'icon countries is available in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed Saharen Africa a\177d specified in a notice published in the Federal Register .................................................. Free 9819.15.24 Of the four/h fabric or yarn which the United States International Trade Commission is produced m beneficiary sub-Sabaran African countries is available in commercial quantities for use by lesser--developedSaharan Africa end specified in a notice published in the Federal Register .................................................. FP\177e 9819.15.27 Of the fifth fabric or yam which the United S\177ates International Trade Commission is produced in beneficiary sab-Saharan African countries is available in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed Saharen Africa a\177d specified in a notice published inthe Federal Register .................................................. : Free 9819.15.30 O\234 the sixth fabric or yam which the United : Siales International Trade Commissson is : produced in beneficiary sub-,Saharan African : countries is available in commercial quantities : for use by lesser-developed Saharan Africa : a\177d specified in a notice published in the : Federal Register .................................................. : Free 9819.15.33 Of the seventh fabric or yam which the United : States International Trade Commission is : produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African : countries is available in commercial quantities : for use by lesser-developed Saharan Africa : and specified in a notice published in the : Federal Register .................................................. Free 9819.15.36 Of the eighth fabric or yarn which the United : States International Trade Commission is : produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African : countries is available in commercial quantities : for use by lesser-developed Saharan Afi'ica : and specified in a notice published in the : Federal Register .................................................. \337 Free 27