Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/29

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Proclamations Proc. 8114 ANNEX III TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING CHANGES IN PROVISIONS OF THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES A. Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after February 3. 2007. the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Unitod States (HTS) is modified as follows: 1. The provisions of chapter 99 of the HTS that are enumerated in the flint column of the table set forth below are modified by deleting the number in the second column of such table and by inserting in lieu thereof the number in the third column of such table: 9902.01.41 2930.90.90 2930.90.91 9902.01.60 2930.90.90 2930.90.91 9902.01.65 2922.29.80 2922.29.81 9902.02.25 8527.99.50 8527.99.20 9902.02.37 292\1772.29.60 2922.29.61 9902.02.69 2930.90.90 2930.90.91 9902.05.12 2922.29. 80 2922.29.81 9902.05.15 2922.29.60 2922.29.61 9902.05.29 2918.90.43 2918.99.43 9902.10.27 2005.90.55 2005.99.55 9902.10.30 2005.90.55 2005.99.55 9902.10.37 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.10.41 2922.22.10 2922.29.03 9902.10.47 3907.99.00 3907.99.01 9902.10.54 2918.90.20 2918.99.20 9902.10.55 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.10.57 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.10.63 8708.99.73 8708.94.75 9902.10.75 2851.00.00 2853.00.00 9902.10.81 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.10.92 8708.39.50 8708.30.50 9902.10.93 \1771708.40.20 8708.40.11 9902.11.04 3824.90.9190 3824.90.92 9902.11.05 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.11.35 2922.29.60 2922.29.61 9902.11.44 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.11.48 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902. I 1.49 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.11.64 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.12.03 3808.20.50 3808.92.50 9902.12.45 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.12.51 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.12.52 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.12.53 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.12.55 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.12.56 3824.90.91 3824.90.92 9902.12.61 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 29