Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/31

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Proclamations Proc. 8114 9902.24.79 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.24.80 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.24.85 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.25.06 2930.90.90 2930.90.91 9902.25.10 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.25.12 2827.60.50 2827.60.51 9902.25.32 8708.40.10 8708.40. I 1 9902.25.38 3808.20.15 3808.92. i 5 9902.25.41 3808.20.15 3808.92.15 9902.25.68 2930.90.44 2930.90.43 9902.25.77 8708.99.70 8708.80.65 9902.25.78 4601.91.20 4601.92.20 9902.25.79 8708.29.10 8708.95.05 9902.29.81 2918.90.20 2918.99.20 9902.32.55 2930.90.90 2930.90.91 9902.33.60 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.38.69 3808.30.15 3808.93.15 9902.84,10 8477.59.80 8477.59.01 9902.98.08 8509.80.00 8509.80.50 2. Subheading 8402.12.00 is modified by deleting "A" from the "Rates of Duty 1 Special" subcolumn and by inserting in lieu thereof"A*". 3. Subheadings 8528.72.72 and 8528.72.97 are each modified by inserting, in the parenthetical expression following the "Free" rate of dnty in the "Rates of Duty 1 Special" subcolumn the symbol "AU," in alphabetical sequence. 4. Subheading 8528.73.00 is modified by inserting, in the parenthetical expression following the "Free" rate of duty in the "Rates of Duty I Special" subcolumn the symbols "AU," and "MA," in alphabetical sequence. 5. General note 4(d) is modified by deleting "0302.69.10" and by inserting in lieu thereof"0302.69. ! I". 6. General note 25(m) is modified by inserting in item (96) "8542," before "8548.90.01 ". 7. The following new subheading is inserted in numerical sequence, with the article description at the same level of indentation as that of subheading 8480.7 I. 10 and with the material inserted in the columns entitled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", "Rates of Duty 1 General" and "Rates of Duty 2', respectively: "8480.71.40 : For the manufacture of semiconductor : : :

devices ................................................................ : Fs\177e : : 35%"

8. Heading 9902.12.52 (as modified above) is further modified by inserting before "3808.93.15" the expression "3808.50. l 0 or". 9. Subheading 8708.99.52 is redesignated as subheading 8708.99.53. 10. Subheading 2908.91.00 is modified by deleting "A+" and by inserting in lieu thereof"A".