Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/77

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Proclamations Proc. 8157 Section B. Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 2007, the HTS is modified as provided in this section. (1). For the following subheadings, the Rates of Duty l-Special subcolumn is modified by deleting the symbol "A*" and inserting an "A" in lieu thereof. 0603.19.00 3201.90.50 0708.20.10 4107.99.60 0712.90.30 6501.00.60 0714.20.10 7113.19.21 2008.19.25 7801.99.30 2611.00.60 7905.00.00 2928.00.10 (2). For the following subheadings, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn is modified by deleting the symbol "A" and inserting an "A*" in lieu thereof: 0802.90.94 7113.19.50 2008.99.80 7202.99.10 2810.00.00 8502.31.00 2841.90.20 8528.71.10 2926.90.30 8528.72.64 4012.12.80 8528.72.80 4104.41.50 8544.30.00 4418.60.00 8708.30.50 4418.72.20 9405.50.30 4418.79.00 4418.90.46 ANNEX II HTS Subheadings and Countries for which the Competitive Need Limitation Provided in Section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act is Disregarded 0202.30.02 Uruguay 0804.10.60 Pakistan 0410.00.00 Indonesia 0804.20.60 Turkey 0708.10.20 Peru 0810.60.00 Thailand 0711.90.30 Turkey 0813.40.10 Thailand 0711.40.00 India 0813.40.80 Thailand 0713.90.60 India 1007.00.00 Argentina 0802.50.20 Turkey 1301.90.40 India 1401.90.40 Argentina 1703.10.30 Brazil 1601.00.40 Brazil 1703.90.30 Lebanon 1604.14.50 Ecuador 1806.10.43 Ecuador 1701.91.80 Brazil 1806.20.78 Brazil 1702.90.05 India 1901.20.45 Argentina 1702.90.52 Indonesia 2001.90.45 India 77