Page:Title 3 CFR 2012 Compilation.djvu/13

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Proc. 8783

Proclamation 8783 of March 6, 2012

To Implement the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement

By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. On June 30, 2007, the United States entered into the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (the ‘‘Agreement’’). The Congress approved the Agreement in section 101(a) of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the ‘‘Implementation Act’’) (Public Law 112–41, 125 Stat. 428).

2. Section 105(a) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to establish or designate within the Department of Commerce an office that shall be responsible for providing administrative assistance to panels established under chapter 22 of the Agreement.

3. Section 201 of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to proclaim such modifications or continuation of any duty, such continuation of duty-free or excise treatment, or such additional duties, as the President determines to be necessary or appropriate to carry out or apply Articles 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6, and Annex 2-B, Annex 4-B, and Annex 22-A of the Agreement.

4. Section 201(d) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to proclaim the tariff treatment therein for certain motor vehicles of Korea.

5. Section 202 of the Implementation Act sets forth certain rules for determining whether a good is an originating good for the purpose of implementing preferential tariff treatment provided for under the Agreement. I have decided that it is necessary to include these rules of origin, together with particular rules applicable to certain other goods, in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS).

6. Section 202(o) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President, upon receiving a request from an interested entity, to determine that a fabric, yarn, or fiber is or is not available in commercial quantities in a timely manner in the United States; to establish procedures governing the submission of a request for any such determination and ensuring appropriate public participation in any such determination; to add to the list of the United States as set forth in Appendix 4-B-1 of the Agreement any fabric, yarn, or fiber determined to be not available in commercial quantities in a timely manner in the United States; or to remove from the list in Appendix 4-B-1 of the Agreement any fabric, yarn, or fiber that the President has previously added to that list.

7. Section 207 of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to take certain enforcement actions relating to trade with Korea in textile and apparel goods.

8. Subtitle C of title III of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to take certain actions in response to a request by an interested party for relief from serious damage or actual threat thereof to a domestic industry producing certain textile or apparel articles.