(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)
abus'd: 29 (II. iii. 87)
accited: 2 (I. i. 27)
Acheron: 66 (IV. iii. 44)
achieve: 22 (II. i. 80)
Actæon's: 28 (II. iii. 63)
ad Apollinem: 67 (IV. iii. 53)
ad Jovem: 67 (IV. ili. 53)
ad manes fratrum: 5 (I. i. 98)
ad Martem: 67 (IV. iii. 54)
advise thee: 63 (IV. ii. 130)
affect: 23 (II. i. 105)
affected: 20 (II. i. 28)
affy: 3 (I. i. 47)
age: 1 (I. i. 8)
Ajax: 15 (I. i. 379)
Alcides: 62 (IV. ii. 96)
alms . . . chest: 26 (II. iii. 9)
aloft: 1 (I. i S. d.)
ancestor, our: 90 (V. iii. 80)
anchorage: 4 (I. i. 73)
annoy (noun): 55 (IV. i. 49)
appointed: 59 (IV. ii. 16)
approve: 21 (II. i. 35)
approved: 73 (V. i. 1)
Aries: 67 (IV. iii. 70)
as (that): 70 (IV. iv. 25)
associate: 93 (V. iii. 169)
Astræa: 65 (IV. iii. 4)
author . . . you: 17 (I. i. 435)
bandy: 12 (I. i. 312)
barren detested vale: 29 (II. iii. 93)
basely cozen'd, and: 91 (V. iii. 101)
bay: 25 (II. ii. 3)
bay, at such a: 59 (IV. ii. 42)
be as perfect: 51 (III. ii. 40)
begins: 72 (IV. iv. 71)
beholding: 16 (I. i. 396); 88 (V. iii. 33)
belike: 60 (IV. ii. 50)
bestow her funeral: 64 (IV. ii. 165)
bid: 13 (I. i. 338)
black dog, like a: 78 (V. i. 122)
blot . . . name: 32 (II. iii. 183)
blowse: 61 (IV. ii. 73)
bon jour: 19 (I. i. 494)
both: 45 (III. i. 171)
brabble: 22 (II. i. 62)
bravely: 69 (IV. iii. 112)
braves: 21 (II. i. 30)
braving: 20 (II. i. 25 S. d.)
brew'd . . . mash'd: 51 (III. ii. 38)
broach: 61 (IV. ii. 86)
burning lake . . . Acheron: 66 (IV. iii. 43, 44)
buzz: 69 (IV. iv. 7)
by kind: 24 (II. i. 116)
can: 11 (I. i. 269)
candidatus: 8 (I. i. 185)
careful remedy: 66 (IV. iii. 30)
castle: 45 (III. i. 170)
Centaurs' feast: 86 (V. ii. 204)
Cerberus . . . feet: 39 (II. iv. 51)
challenged: 13 (I. i. 340)
chaps: 90 (V. iii. 77)
charming: 20 (II. i. 16)