name thee in election: 8 (I. i. 183)
napkin: 44 (III. i. 141)
nice-preserved: 31 (II. iii. 135)
Nilus: 42 (III. i. 72)
no longer days: 64 (IV. ii. 167)
not I: 21 (II. i. 53)
not with himself: 15 (I. i. 368)
obscurity: 80 (V. ii. 36)
obsequious tears: 92 (V. iii. 152)
obtain and ask: 8 (I. i. 201)
of my word: 67 (IV. iii. 59)
of these: 51 (III. ii. 44)
officious: 86 (V. ii. 202)
on a heap: 34 (II. iii. 223)
one Muli lives: 63 (IV. ii. 154)
onset: 10 (I. i, 238)
opinion: 16 (I. i. 416)
oppose: 6 (I. i. 132)
ours with thine: 87 (V. iii. 3)
overlooks: 20 (II. i. 8)
overween, dost: 20 (II. i. 29)
pack: 63 (IV. ii. 157)
painted: 30 (II. iii. 126)
palliament: 8 (I. i. 182)
panther, to hunt the: 19 (I. i. 493)
parcel: 28 (II. iii. 49)
parle, break the: 87 (V. iii. 19)
part: 19 (I. i. 488)
passion: 5 (I. i. 106)
patient: 5 (I. i. 121)
pattern'd by: 55 (IV. i. 57)
paws: 31 (II. iii. 152)
pearl . . . eye: 75 (V. i. 42)
people's tribunes: 9 (I. i. 217)
per Styga, per manes vehor: 24 (II. i. 135)
Philomel: 27 (II. iii. 43); 55 (IV. i. 47)
piece: 12 (I. i. 309)
pipe: 66 (IV. iii. 24)
pitch: 20 (II. i. 14)
piteously: 76 (V. i. 66)
play'd your prize: 16 (I. i. 399)
plies: 54 (IV. i .15)
Pluto's region: 65 (IV. iii. 13)
power: 50 (III. i. 299)
practice: 82 (V. ii. 77)
precious ring, a: 34 (II. iii. 227)
present: 32 (II. iii. 173)
presently: 28 (II. iii. 62)
pretend: 2 (I. i. 42)
priest and holy water: 13 (I. i. 323)
Progne: 86 (V. ii. 196)
Prometheus: 20 (II. i. 17)
propose: 22 (II. i. 80)
pure election: 2 (I. i. 16)
put it up: 17 (I. i. 433)
put up: 21 (II. i. 53)
Pyramus: 34 (II. iii. 231)
queen of Troy: 6 (I. i. 136)
quit: 6 (I. i. 141)
quotes: 55 (IV. i. 50)
Rapine: 81 (V. ii. 59)
rash Virginius . . . his daughter: 88 (V. iii. 36, 37)
rates: 74 (V. i. 33)
ravens . . . children: 31 (II. iii. 153)
re-edified: 14 (I. i. 351)
remember'd, be you: 65 (IV. iii. 5)
rent: 48 (III. i. 260)
reserv'd: 7 (I. i. 165)
resolve me: 88 (V. iii. 35)