proach you must kneel; then kiss his foot; then
deliver up your pigeons; and then look for your
reward. I'll be at hand, sir; see you do it bravely. 112
Clo. I warrant you, sir; let me alone.
Tit. Sirrah, hast thou a knife? Come, let me see it.
Here, Marcus, fold it in the oration;
For thou hast made it like an humble suppliant: 116
And when thou hast given it the emperor,
Knock at my door, and tell me what he says.
Clo. God be with you, sir; I will. Exit.
Tit. Come, Marcus, let us go. Publius, follow me. 120
Scene Four
[The Same. Before the Palace]
Sat. Why, lords, what wrongs are these! Was ever seen
An emperor in Rome thus overborne,
Troubled, confronted thus; and, for the extent
Of egal justice, us'd in such contempt? 4
My lords, you know, [as do] the mightful gods,—
However these disturbers of our peace
Buzz in the people's ears,—there nought hath pass'd,
But even with law, against the wilful sons 8
Of old Andronicus. And what an if
His sorrows have so overwhelm'd his wits,
112 bravely: in good style
3, 4 extent Of egal justice: maintenance of equal justice
7 Buzz: whisper
8 even with: in accord with